Families not currently receiving food assistance benefits (SNAP), but are on the Free and Reduced program, will receive in the mail pre-loaded Electronic Benefits Transaction (EBT) Card. It will be listed under the oldest student's name in the household. The benefit for March/April will be $193.80 per eligible student. Then, at a later TBA date, there will be $182.40 per eligible student loaded for May/June. Look for the card to be mailed to your house by the end of the first week in May.
Families that have lost their jobs and/or have applied for unemployment during this pandemic can also apply for free and reduced priced benefits NOW. Not only will it continue through the first 30 days of the 2020/2021 school year but you may also be eligible for extended food benefits through the state as well.
Please apply at the following webpage: https://www.a2schools.org/page/8315