Sunday, November 25, 2018

Late After School Pick-Up

We are noticing some students are not being picked up on time from school. As a reminder, the bell rings at 3:59. It is not okay for students to be left unattended at school. Please plan to arrive in the school pick-up line by 3:59. We will do our very best to move the line of cars through the pick up line as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your help. 

Handicap Parking Spaces – Mitchell

Dear Mitchell Families,

If you pick your child up at the end of the day, I'm asking that you please do not block access to the handicap parking spaces. It's important that these spaces remain accessible for people to enter and exit without others blocking the spaces. If you have questions about this, please contact me at school.


Thank you for your help!

Science Olympiad Team Forming

We are looking for some more Science Olympiad coaches. Science Olympiad is for 2-5th grade students, but we need coaches before we can form teams. Check out the links for the events! You can do this! You do not need to be an expert. YOU, the coach, set the practice schedule day and time. Contact Cathleen Haglund at

See the events at the link below  

Girls On The Run Team

GIRLS ON THE RUN is need of coaches. You do not need to be a runner! We just need coaches to supervise and motivate the girls on their journey! The commitment depends on the number of coaches. It's about a 10-week program from March through May and practices are 2x a week-- less per coaches if we have more coaches.  Please contact Jan Duncan, the media specialist.

Check out the organization at

Friday, November 16, 2018

Report Cards – November 20

Student report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, November 20. This is an opportunity to talk with your child about their learning and celebrate growth. It's also an opportunity to set improvement goals. If you have questions, please talk with your child's teacher. 

Thanksgiving Break

All Ann Arbor Public Schools will be closed from Wednesday, November 21 through Friday, November 23. School will reopen on Monday, November 26. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving break! 

Mitchell PTO Meeting – All Are Welcome!

The Mitchell PTO will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday, November 27 at 6:00 PM in the school media center. All families are welcome and encouraged to attend! 

Late After School Pick-Up

We are noticing some students are not being picked up on time from school. As a reminder, the bell rings at 3:59. It is not okay for students to be left unattended at school. Please plan to arrive in the school pick-up line by 3:59. We will do our very best to move the line of cars through the pick up line as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your help. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

November 6 – Election Day

As a reminder, there is no school for all Ann Arbor Public Schools students on Tuesday, November 6th. School will resume on Wednesday, November 7th. 

Mitchell PTO Movie Night

All families are invited to join us in the multipurpose room at Mitchell for family movie night on Friday, November 16. The movie will begin at 6:00 PM and food will be available for purchase. Children may only attend with a supervising adult. I hope to see you there! 

Late Morning Arrivals

We are noticing many students who are arriving late to school. As a reminder, the bell rings at 8:56. Please make sure children are dropped off for school on time. Late student arrivals cause disruptions to classrooms when kids and teachers have already begun their day of learning. Please do your very best to have your children to school on time.

Halloween Candy

Halloween candy is not allowed at school. When children bring their candy to school it becomes a distraction to learning. Please keep the candy at home. Thank you for your help! 

Mitchell School Picture Re-Take Day

Mitchell School picture re-take day is scheduled for Friday, November 16. Information about picture re-takes will go home in backpack mail. If you have additional questions you can call the school office at 997.1216.