Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Notas de los Viernes del Sr. Karr a la Escuela Mitchell

Notas de los Viernes del Sr. Karr a la Escuela Mitchell

16 de diciembre de 2011


Jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

· Ultimo día de clases antes de las vacaciones de invierno.

Viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011 – Domingo, 8 de enero de 2012: Vacaciones de Invierno-No hay clases L

Lunes, 9 de enero de 2012: Comienzan las clases.

Noticias e Información

¡Que tengan unas vacaciones grandiosas!

De parte de los empleados de la Escuela Mitchell, el Sr. Karr quiere desearles unas felices y relajantes vacaciones de inverno a todas las familias de Mitchell, maestros y compañeros de la Universidad de Michigan. Hemos disfrutado mucho trabajar con los estudiantes de Mitchell este otoño y vislumbramos mucho éxito en el 2012.

Agradecimiento de parte del PTO de Mitchell

Gracias a todos los que participaron en la recaudación de fondos en Leo’s Coney Island. ¡Recaudamos $350 dólares! Manténganse atentos a nuestra próxima actividad en febrero.

¡Otro inmenso agradecimiento a todos los que enviaron las etiquetas y “box tops”! Fue una competencia muy cerrada, pero la clase del Sr. Hamilton recaudo la mayoría de las etiquetas. Recolectamos 5400 “box tops”, para un total de $540. ¡Sigan enviándolos! Como pueden ver, cada cooperación ayuda a nuestra escuela. ¡FELICITACIONES A TODOS!

¡Esperamos que pasen unas vacaciones felices y seguras!

Mitchell School eNotes 12/16/11

Mitchell School Friday Note – from Mr. Karr

December 16, 2011


Thursday, December 22, 2011

· Last day of school before winter break

Friday, December 23, 2011 – Sunday, January 8, 2012: Winter Break – No School L

Monday, January 9, 2012: School Resumes

News and Information

Have A Great Break!

On behalf of the Mitchell staff, Mr. Karr wants to wish all Mitchell families, teachers, and UM partners a restful and happy winter break. We have enjoyed working with students this fall and look forward to great success in 2012!

Thank You From The Mitchell PTO!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Leo's Coney Island Fundraiser! We raised $350.00! Keep an eye out for our next night out, sometime in February.

Another huge thank you for sending in those Box Tops and Labels! It was a close race, but Mr. Hamilton's class brought in the most labels. Overall, we collected about 5400 Box Tops and at 10 cents per top, that is $540.00. Keep sending them in!. As you can see, every little bit helps Mitchell Elementary! Congratulations to EVERYONE!!

We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thank You From The Mitchell PTO

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Leo's Coney Island Fundraiser! We raised $350.00! Keep an eye out for our next night out, sometime in February.
Another huge thank you for sending in those Box Tops and Labels! It was a close race, but Mr. Hamilton's class brought in the most labels. Overall, we collected about 5400 Box Tops and  at 10 cents per top, that is $540.00. Keep sending them in!. As you can see, every little bit helps Mitchell Elementary! Congratulations to EVERYONE!!
We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New T-shirts! Thank you PTO!!!

Mr. Karr wants to thank the Mitchell PTO for including each and every student in getting a new Mitchell School t-shirt this year. Our school community is very lucky to have such a thoughtful and inclusive PTO Board of Directors. Please send your thanks to the school office via backpack mail and we'll put your notes in the PTO mailbox.

Friday, December 16 has been designated as Mitchell School T-shirt Day by the Mitchell Student Council. It is going to be very exciting! Don't forget to make sure your child's shirt is ready to go for next Friday! :-)

Family Movie Night - Friday, December 9 @ 6 PM

Movie Night:  CARS2   
Friday, December 9 @ 6 PM
Doors open at 6:00 – Movie Starts at 6:30

Admission:  $1 per person
Popcorn, Pizza, snacks and Drinks available for purchase.

Bring your pillows and blankets and enjoy the show!  Parents must attend with children.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Leo's Coney Island Fundraiser - Tuesday, 12/6 - Dinner

Go out to eat for a good cause!

Date: Tuesday, December 6

Time: 4pm-8pm

Location: Leo's Coney Island, 3644 Carpenter Road

(In the Carpenter Crossing Shopping Center-across from Target and Meijer)

Details: 10% of all orders and ALL tips, plus any extra donations will be donated to Mitchell PTO.

No flyer or coupon needed, all proceeds from that time frame will be donated. Tell your family, friends and colleagues! The more who eat, the more money donated to Mitchell.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Partnership Proposal Reviews

Partnership Proposals for winter 2012 will be reviewed on Tuesday,
December 6 from 8:30 - 11:30 AM at the School of Education.

If you would like to be a part of the review process, please let Kevin

Thank you.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Read At Home Too!

Each day at school students spend at least 90 minutes reading and 60
minutes writing.

In addition, Mr. Karr wants students to read at home 5 nights every
week for at least 20 minutes. This is important because students
learn more when they read more.

The 20 minutes can be spent in the following ways:
- Child can read out loud to a parent or another adult;
- Child can read to a younger child;
- Parent can read out loud to child;
- Parent can read out loud and then child can read out loud;
- Your child can talk about their reading . . . sharing favorite
parts, a new word they learned, something from their reading that
reminded them of something else;
- Another way that involves reading and/or sharing about reading.

Children can get books from the school library when they visit each
week. They can also ask their teacher for advice about what books to
pick. In addition, visiting the Ann Arbor Library is another great
way to borrow books.

If you have questions, please let us know. We're happy to help.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No School 11/23 - 11/25

There is no school from 11/23 - 11/25 due to the Thanksgiving
holiday. School will reopen on Monday, November 28.

In addition, the Mitchell School Office will be closed Wednesday -
Friday, November 23 - 25.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mitchell School eNotes 11/18/11

11 de noviembre de 2011


Viernes 18 de noviembre de 2011

·    Hoy comienza la actividad de recaudación de fondos de Little Cesars (kits para hacer pizza).  Esta actividad es pro-fondos para los estudiantes que asistirán al campamento de 5to grado.  Si tienen alguna pregunta, favor de contactar a Laura al 734-434-9130.

Martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

·    Oportunidad para volver a tomar fotografía escolar.

Miércoles,  23 de noviembre – Viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

·    Comienzan las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias.  NO HABRA CLASES estos días.

Miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2011

·    Llegan las boletas de las notas (calificaciones) a casa.


Noticias e Información

Asistencia con traducción de las Notas de los Viernes- Thank You/Gracias
Agradecemos a la Sra. Lymari López, madre de un estudiante de nuestra escuela, quien ha ofrecido hacer las traducciones en español de las Notas de los Viernes del Sr. Karr.  Anteriormente, había estado utilizando Google Translation para las traducciones, pero tener una traductora ayudará a llevar el mensaje mas claro.  ¡Gracias, Sra. López!
Oportunidad para volver a tomar la fotografía escolar este martes.
Las fotos escolares serán tomadas solo para el anuario o para los estudiantes que necesiten volver a tomar su foto el martes 22 de noviembre en la mañana.  Por favor hagan los planes necesarios. 
Estoy Agradecido…
Estoy agradecido por todo el apoyo y la aceptación que he recibido en la Escuela Mitchell.  Los estudiantes se portan muy bien, las familias son serviciales y solidarias, y los maestros son talentosos y trabajadores.  La escuela Mitchell es un lugar maravilloso para trabajar.  Les deseo a todos que pasen unas maravillosas vacaciones de Acción de Gracias.

November 11, 2011


Friday, November 18, 2011

·    Today:  Little Caesars Pizza Kit fundraising begins – this supports students attending 5th grade camp.  If you have questions, please contact Laura at 734-434-9130.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

·    Today:  Picture Retake Day

Wednesday, November 23 – Friday, November 25, 2011

·    NO SCHOOL due to Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

·    Today:  Report cards come home


News and Information

Translation Help – Thank You/Gracias
Thank you to parent Lymari Lopez, who has offered to translate Mr. Karr's Friday Note into Spanish each week. 
Previously I used Google Translation to help with this, but having a "real" translator will certainly be better.  Thank you, Mrs. Lopez!
Picture Retake Day – Tuesday
Student pictures will be taken for the yearbook only or for those who need to have pictures retaken on Tuesday morning, November 22.  Please plan accordingly.
I am thankful for the support and friendly reception I've gotten at Mitchell School.  The students are well behaved, the families are supportive and helpful, and the teachers are talented and hard-working.  Mitchell School is a wonderful place to work.  I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break next week.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Black Friday at the PTO Thrift Store - 50% OFF!!!


Translation Help - Thank You!

Thank you to parent Lymari Lopez, who has offered to translate Mr. Karr's Friday Note into Spanish each week.

Previously I used Google Translation to help with this, but having a "real" translator will certainly be better. Thank you, Mrs. Lopez!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mitchell School - Show Your Support At PTO Thrift Store

Mitchell Elementary Student Council is one of the school groups for this week's SHOW YOUR SUPPORT at the PTO Thrift Store on Industrial.

November 13 thru Saturday, November 19

For every $5 you spend, you receive a token to support the school group of your choice. School groups earn money based on the number of tokens received.

They have Holiday items, as well as a large selection of clothing and other items.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mobile Dentist at Mitchell - December 16

The mobile dentist arrives at Mitchell School on Friday, December 16, 2011. Please turn in permission slips as soon as possible but no later than November 22, 2011.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

PHOTO: Word Study In Action

Each day students at Mitchell study words. Parents often make connections to these activities being like spelling when we were growing up.

PTO Meeting - 11/15 @ 6:30 PM

The November PTO meeting is Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30 in the Media Center. Please join us. Children welcome.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

AAPS Budget Forums

Thursday, November 10 at Huron High School's Cafeteria
Monday, November 14 at Pioneer High School's Cafeteria Annex

Both forums begin at 6:30 p.m. 
Please join Dr. Patricia Green, Superintendent and Robert Allen, Deputy Superintendent for Operations for these important discussions.

We need your input and suggestions as we prepare the 2012/2013 budget.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

English Classes For Adults

The following offer English classes for adults who are hoping to increase their English proficiency:

PALMA (Proyecto Avance, Latino Mentoring Association)
343 South 5th Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 604-5172
classes: 6:00-7:30 Tuesday and Thursday
Ann Arbor Public Library (downtown)
cost: free

Washtenaw Literacy
5577 Whittaker Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 879-1320
classes:  individual or small group
cost: free

Ann Arbor Church of Christ
2500 S. Main St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(734) 662-2756
classes: 90 minutes
cost: $5

Ann Arbor Public Schools
Stone School
Ann Arbor Adult Education
2800 Stone School Road
(734) 997-1250
classes: 90 minutes a day, 15 weeks
enrollment: September and January; 2 hour enrollment;
passport, social security card or green card required.
cost: free

Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County
2245S. State
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Andre at (734) 769-0209
classes: daily, small group
cost: free

International Neighbors Conversation Group
classes: women only, small group, twice a month
cost: free

Thank you to Mitchell School ESL teacher Stephen Gutierrez for supplying this information!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mitchell Scarlett TLC Partnership Proposals for Winter/Summer 2012

Now that the partnership with the UM School of Education is underway, proposals for how to best collaborate will be considered on a regular basis, usually by semester.  Proposals for the winter and summer of 2012 from Mitchell Scarlett teachers and UM faculty are due on November 11.

In case you are wondering what activities occurred for the fall semester at Mitchell, CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE.

If you have questions, please ask.

Drop Off/Pick Up Reminders

Thank you for helping to make drop off and pick up the best it can be:
·    Go Slowly
·    Stop At The Curb
·    Drop off or pick up quickly and safely

Drop off can begin at 8:35 but not sooner.

School ends at 3:42.  Please be on time to pick up your child.

PHOTO: First graders listening to books

During reading workshop, students will sometimes listen to books being read in addition to reading with their teacher!

Nice job to the first graders below!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

PHOTO: Title 1 - ESL Parent Night

Thank you to all those families who were able to attend Title 1 - ESL Parent Night.  We enjoyed meeting with everyone and sharing our videos about reading to children in the evening at home!  

If you were not able to attend, we hope to see you at the next parent night!

If you have questions, please call, email or stop by!  Thank you!
Mrs. Hudson, Title 1 Teacher
Mrs. Sanmiguel, Title 1 Teacher
Mr. Hilton, Title 1 Teacher

Mrs. Justyna, ESL Teacher
Mr. Gutierrez, ESL Teacher

Mr. Karr, Principal

2011-12 Student Council Members

Thank you to the following Mitchell Students for serving on the 2011-12 Mitchell School Student Council:

Tyler Sweet
Ashley Villafranca
Sebastian Casillas-Lopez
Priscilla Racine
PJ Gilles
Victoria Underwood
Osbaldo Garduno
Alicia Javizian
Jaidan Klann
Andre Nguyen
Devyion Traylor
Aska Wurtz
Trinity Glaze
Jordan Osorio
Sinit Lijam
Edgar Osario
McKenna Yeaney
Lynne Trang
Derek Berger
Jose Vazquez-Mocoroa
Carly Meza-Acosta
Jenna Neff-Aldrich

We look forward to the work of our student council this year.  Thank you to Mrs. Koenig and Ms. Kairis for helping to organize and run the group this year.

Fall Fest On Friday, 6 - 8 PM --> Volunteers Needed

Mitchell's Fall Fest takes place on Friday, October 28. 

We are still in need of many volunteers from 6-8 PM to ensure the success of the event, as of today we do not have enough volunteers.
Duties include greeters, event set up, serving food, cake walk help, assistance with children's games and clean up. We needyour help to make the event a success! 
Please sign up for a 30 minute volunteer shift on the sign up sheet across from the office. Thank you!

Mitchell Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Solving Unknown Words

As readers come across an unknown word, they use a variety of strategies to figure the word out like:

  1. Identify the beginning sound of the word
  2. Identify the ending sound of the word
  3. Look for part of the word they already know (break apart the word)
  4. Re-read that part of the text to see if they can figure out the word from the context
  5. Look at the pictures
  6. Think about what would make sense
From a second grade classroom at Mitchell.  Good job, second graders!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Support Mitchell at PTO Thrift Shop - 10/2 - 10/8

Mitchell Elementary PTO is one of the school groups for this week's SHOW YOUR SUPPORT at the PTO Thrift Store on Industrial.

October 2 thru Saturday, October 8th.

For every $5 you spend, you receive a token to support the school group of your choice. School groups earn money based on the number of tokens received.

They have Halloween and Holiday items, as well as a large selection of clothing and other items.

So, shop the PTO Thrift and all money earned will go towards funding Field Trips and other enrichment activities at Mitchell Elementary.

Friday, September 30, 2011

PTO Event: Movie Night, October 14 @ 6 PM

Join us for Movie Night on Friday, October 14th. Bring your blankets and pillows and enjoy "RIO" in the Multi-purpose room. Admission is $1 per person. Pizza,popcorn and other goodies for sale. Doors open at 6. Email if are able to volunteer.

This is a family event.  Students must be accompanied by a parent.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bus Update for Mitchell School

From WISD Transportation:

Effective immediately, the only Mtichell bus stop at Arbor Meadows
Park will be at the clubhouse.
Bus #138 will stop there first to pick up students at 8:30 AM, and bus
#91 will pick up students shortly after.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mighty Mustangs for Fall 2011

I am happy to announce the Mighty Mustangs After-School Program for Fall 2011!

Mighty Mustangs is an after-school math program that runs each Tuesday and Thursday beginning October 4 and ending on November 17 from 3:45 – 5:45 PM.  Students who qualify based on a test teachers have given to students will be invited to attend beginning Tuesday, October 4.

If you questions, please direct them to Mr. Krigbaum by emailing or calling the school at 997-1216.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picture Day - October 4

Picture Day at Mitchell School is on October 4.  Please look for a flier in your child's backpack with more information.

If you have questions, please call the school office at 997-1216.

Student Arrival - 8:35

Mr. Karr wants to remind families that students should not arrive earlier than 8:35 AM.

Families who need to have before school care can call 994-2300 ext 53106.  Scholarships are available.

HelpYour PTO! - Fall Festival and Scholastic Book Fair

The PTO needs your help:

Can you help with the Fall Festival on October 28th?
Please join us for a planning meeting on Tuesday, September 27th at 6PM in the Media Center. Bring your ideas for having the best Fall Fest ever! If you cannot make the meeting, please email us with your ideas and any availability you may have.
We also need help with the Scholastic Book Fair. If you can lend us any time from 9-6 PM on Sept 29 or 30th, please email and let us know when YOU are available to help out!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Time To Sign Up

Please contact your child's teacher to set up a parent-teacher conference.  You can call the school office or send your child's teacher an email.

Thank you.
Mr. Karr

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mitchell Curriculum Night - 9/20 @ 6 PM - English and Español

Dear Mitchell Families,

Curriculum Night at Mitchell school for parents will be on Tuesday, September 20 from 6 – 7:40 PM.

We are asking for one adult from each family to come to school that evening to meet with teachers.  For this to happen, it may be necessary for friends and families to work together for babysitting.

Mr. Karr asks that one adult from each family comes for Curriculum Night on September 20.

The schedule for the evening is as follows:
6 – 6:30    Classroom presentation #1 – teachers present to parents
6:40 – 7:00    Mr. Karr presents to parents in the multi-purpose room
7:10 – 7:50    Classroom presentation #2 – teachers present to parents

While at Curriculum Night, parents should:
1.    Go to your child’s classroom at 6 PM or 7:10 PM;
2.    Sign up for a parent-teacher conference
3.    Visit other teachers Physical Education, Vocal Music, Reading Intervention, Resource Room, English as a Second Language, Art, Computer Lab and the Media Center!

No parking in front of Mitchell school.  Please park only in designated parking spaces.  There aren’t enough parking spaces for everyone.  Plan to park in the Scarlett parking lot.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 20!


Kevin Karr

Estimadas familias del colegio Mitchell,

La Noche de Currículo para los padres, será el martes, 20 de septiembre, de 6 a 8 en la noche.

Para esta noche, el señor Karr pide que un padre de familia solamente, atienda de Noche de Currículo de el 20 de septiembre con fines de reunirse con los maestros de sus hijos. Para que esto ocurra, puede ser necesario que los amigos y las familias trabajen juntos para cuidar niños en la casa. La meta de este formato nuevo es mejorar la comunicación entre padre y maestros disminuyendo la cantidad de gente en el aula.

El horario es la siguiente:

De 6 a 6:30     Presentación en el aula n º 1 - los profesores presentan a los padres.
De 6:40-7:00     El señor Karr presenta a los padres en el salón de usos múltiples.
De 7:10-7:50     Presentación en el aula n º 2 - los maestros presentan a los padres.

Mientras que en la Noche de Currículo, los padres deben:

1. Ir a clase de su hijo a las 6 a 7:10;
2. Regístrese para obtener una conferencia de padres y maestros
3. Visite los profesores de Educación Física, de Música Vocal, de Intervención de Lectura, de la Sala de Recursos, de Inglés como Segundo Lenguaje, de Arte, del Laboratorio de Computación y el Centro de los medios de comunicación.

Si no hay suficiente estacionamiento en frente de la escuela por favor, estacione en las plazas de estacionamiento designado. Si no hay suficientes espacios de estacionamiento para todos utilice el estacionamiento de Scarlett.

Esperamos verlos el martes, 20 de septiembre!


Sr. Kevin Karr
Director del colegio Mitchell

Monday, September 12, 2011

FYI - Cars Must Yield To Pedestrians

Ann Arbor has taken another step towards becoming a more walkable community. Ann Arbor law now requires drivers to stop for pedestrians approaching or within a crosswalk. The Ann Arbor Police Department will begin actively enforcing this law in September, beginning with warnings and moving to ticketing later in the fall. The need for this change was great; busy streets can be become physical barriers in our community for everyone, but particularly for children, the elderly and individuals with disabilities (Watch this informative video:   The new pedestrian ordinance compliments AAPS efforts to encourage more children to walk to school and supports our safe routes to school programming already underway at some schools.  For more information on this law and the A2 Walks Project, visit 

Friday, September 9, 2011

1157 Hits on Mitchell News Website This Month

The Mitchell News website had over 1100 hits in the last month!

We hope it is helpful in keeping you up to date.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Websites For Parents and Kids

Use these with your kids . . . 

Mathematics Math practice and activities Interactive math games Great site for kids A+ Math Ask Dr. Math Math League help topics Help for all subjects 

Language Arts/Reading Language Arts games and more  Merriam Webster Word Game of the Day Vocabulary activities  Vocabulary builders  Lexile Framework® for Reading

Students Will Take NWEA Assessment Beginning September 19

For the first time ever, students in Ann Arbor will soon take a test from the Northewest Evaluation Associatoin called the  Measures of Academic Progress (MAP).

The MAP test will be administered across the district in grades K-5 and at Scarlett Middle School 3 times per year in September, January and May, starting the Fall of 2011. The purpose of the test is to provide data on students' growth over time in the areas of Math (K-8), Reading (K-8) and Language Use (2-8) so that teachers can use it to inform instruction.

NWEA has created a Parent Toolkit that does an excellent job of explaining the test, as well as provides additional at-home support sites students can use for practice.  If you would like a copy of the Parent Toolkit, click the link above.  If you would like a hard copy of the kit, please contact your child's teacher or call the school office.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mitchell Scarlett Teaching and Learning Collaborative = UM/AAPS Partnership Name

The official name of the partnership between the University of Michigan and the Ann Arbor Public Schools is the "Mitchell Scarlett Teaching and Learning Collaborative."

The official logo of the partnership:

If you haven't already seen them, here are links to the most recent partnership newsletters:

Do you have questions about the MS-TLC?  If yes, please email Mr. Karr at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

PTO Announcement: Welcome Back Picnic - 8/31, 6-8 PM

Please come to the Welcome Picnic on Wednesday, August 31st from 6-8 PM. 

All families are welcome and encouraged to attend. You will find out who your teacher is for the upcoming year, meet old friends and make new ones.

The PTO will provide hot dogs and paper products.  Please bring a dish to share. We have divided up by grade, but it is not mandatory to stick to your assigned category.

Kindergarten– Salad
First Grade - Appetizer
2nd Grade – Vegetable side dish
3rd Grade- Fruit
4th Grade – Chips/Pretzels, etc
5th Grade - Dessert

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back To School Guides Available For Download

Dear AAPS Families,

The Back to School Guide, including the bus schedule, is now available on the district and school websites -

The high school books are also available on the district and high school websites.

All middle and high school families please go to the school website and download all registration materials prior to the scheduled registration day. The registration schedule can be found in the AAPS Back to School book.

Please note that many of the bus routes have changed. Student living 1.5 miles from the school are in the walk zone. Bus stops are .5 miles apart. All routing has been checked for safe walking routes for students.

If you have any questions please call 994-2200. Printed copies of the bus routes and back to school guides will be available in limited supply at school offices.

Thank you and welcome back to school!

Liz Margolis

Enroll Now for 2011-12

All families who are new to Mitchell School should come to school to enroll their child.

The office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 - noon and 1:00 - 4:00 PM for enrollment.  The office closes at 4:30 PM.

Please call us if you have questions.  We want to help!  Our phone number is 997-1216.  You can also email Mr. Karr at

Thursday, August 11, 2011

2011-12 Mitchell School Bus Schedule

As of 8/11/2011, the Mitchell bus schedule is as follows:

BUS 91 
Diamond @ Ruby - 8:22 
6095 Carpenter Rd - 8:26 
4400 Textile - 8:29 
Oakengates @ Meadowview Pk - 8:30 
Willow Ridge @ Plum Ridge - 8:33 
5199 Carpenter Rd - 8:36 
3525 Ellsworth - 8:40 

BUS 138 
5542 Crane - 8:15 
Arbor Meadows Clubhouse - 8:20 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

School Office Closed For Summer

The Mitchell School office is now closed for the summer. 

The office will reopen on Monday, August 15 at 10:30 AM.  Families who wish to register students for fall classes should come to school to register.

Have a great summer!  We're looking forward to seeing you in the fall!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mitchell/Scarlett - UM Partnership Update

The partnership is on, and planning is underway! Below is a synopsis of partnership plans for the fall of 2011 at Mitchell:

  1. Mighty Mustangs - The after school Mighty Mustangs math program will continue next year. Preliminary plans are that program will run as a support for students who need additional math support to achieve grade level outcomes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the end of school until 5:45 p.m. We look forward to working with the University of Michigan School of Education faculty and students in October and November and following that the program will continue with Mitchell teachers.
  2. Responsive Classroom - This will be a new initiative to Mitchell School and will focus on behaviors needed to best learn at school. We'll look forward to sharing more about this as the school year begins.
  3. Michigan Interns - Mitchell School will welcome seven interns to the school this fall who will be a part of the staff for the entire school year. This number of interns at Mitchell is unprecedented! Their presence and expertise will be a welcome addition to teaching and learning for 2011-12.
  4. Partnership Kick-Off - We hope to host the Mitchell and Scarlett communities in late summer for a partnership kick-off celebration. 
  5. "Managing To Teach" and "Literacy Methods" - UM classes being taught at Mitchell School and supported by UM faculty and Mitchell staff.
  6. Several other developing activities - There are four other activities that are in the planning stages which all will have positive effects for Mitchell teachers, students and/or families. As these activities become more defined, I will certainly share.
Also in case you haven't seen it, the Ann Arbor Public Schools website about the partnership may be informative to you:

If you have questions, please email Mr. Karr at

Mitchell School - A "Nut Restricted" Building

no_nuts.jpgNut restricited means: 
- Students may bring nut products to school
- However, "NO-NUT" facilities have been set up to accommodate students who have severe food allergies.  
- In addition, the school lunch menu items do not contain nuts or nut products.  
- Classrooms of students with nut allergies are "NO-NUT" rooms and are posted with signs.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello From Mr. Karr

Dear Mitchell Families,

As you may already know, I will be the principal of Mary D. Mitchell Elementary School next school year.  I’m excited about this new opportunity and am looking forward to working with you and getting to know the Mitchell School community.

I realize the Mitchell community will be experiencing its second change in leadership in the last school year following Ms. Kathy Scarnechia’s reassignment to overseeing the partnership with UM and the subsequent reassignment Mr. Ed Broom from Scarlett Middle School during the 2010-11 school year. I have known both Kathy and Ed for a number of years and value the leadership they’ve shown in the Mitchell School community.  I understand that the leadership void left behind will need to be filled.  I intend to do my best to fill that void, working with you to make Mitchell School the best it can be.  As a starting point, I know that Mr. Broom will be working with staff and PTO leadership to help identify a team that will assist in making the transition as smooth as possible.

To tell you a little about me, I live just east of Ann Arbor with my wife and son.  I am a graduate of the University of Michigan where I earned my teaching certification and a bachelor’s degree in Education. I also have a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Eastern Michigan University.  I previously taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades after which I was the principal of Northside Elementary School for six years and the principal of Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School for six years.  This summer I’m looking forward to learning more about Mitchell Elementary School, spending time with my family, exercising, traveling, and reading. 

To my work as an educational leader, I bring a focus on academic excellence, a desire to be a part of a caring and professional learning community, and a belief that research on best educational practices must guide us in achieving excellence.  My previous work has taught me the value of diversity and of the need to build relationships with teachers and families in order to be successful.  I also believe that respect is the foundation of success as well as a necessary ingredient to solving the problems that we may face. 

Again, I’m looking forward to working with all of you next year at Mitchell.


Kevin Karr