Monday, November 28, 2011

Read At Home Too!

Each day at school students spend at least 90 minutes reading and 60
minutes writing.

In addition, Mr. Karr wants students to read at home 5 nights every
week for at least 20 minutes. This is important because students
learn more when they read more.

The 20 minutes can be spent in the following ways:
- Child can read out loud to a parent or another adult;
- Child can read to a younger child;
- Parent can read out loud to child;
- Parent can read out loud and then child can read out loud;
- Your child can talk about their reading . . . sharing favorite
parts, a new word they learned, something from their reading that
reminded them of something else;
- Another way that involves reading and/or sharing about reading.

Children can get books from the school library when they visit each
week. They can also ask their teacher for advice about what books to
pick. In addition, visiting the Ann Arbor Library is another great
way to borrow books.

If you have questions, please let us know. We're happy to help.