Friday, April 11, 2014

Enrollment for 2014-15

In the school office, we are in planning mode for 2014-15.  This is why we have been asking about your plans for next school year.  We know families have choices on where to send their kids to school.  I want you to know Mitchell is an excellent choice for your child's education.  Kids at Mitchell grow at a rate of at least one year for each year of school.  This is significant and is not something a standardized test will measure . . . but it is something the other assessments we give at school do show.  It is essential that Mitchell parents understand that the excellence of a school is not defined by the MEAP test (even though we are making good progress there too) . . . rather we have to look at the growth that occurs for children.  We do that by looking at where a child started (in reading, for example) and where they ended in a given year.

If you have questions or concerns about your child's experience at Mitchell, Mr. Karr would like to know.  Please call school (997-1216) or email (