Friday, December 4, 2020

Mitchell School Update

Dear Mitchell Families,


This past Wednesday at a study session of the AAPS Board of Education, phase 1 of the 2019 bond plan was discussed. Included in this discussion was the possibility of a new school building for Mitchell! This, of course, will have to be approved at an upcoming regular meeting of the Board of Education yet, this is the first step in the process. 


While I don't have many of the details, I am very excited about this development! Of course, there will be many things to figure out (pending board approval) - timeline, process, staff, student and community input, etc. For now, I'm SUPER excited and I hope you're excited too! 


I will continue to communicate all developments including the opportunities for students, staff and parents to engage in the process. If you have questions now, I'm happy to talk with you!