Friday, May 1, 2020

March Report Card Update

Dear Mitchell School Families,


This has certainly become a school year our students, staff and families will never forget. Thank you for your patience, care and support to our staff and to your amazing children as we have all navigated new and challenging territory together.


Many of our families have inquired about our term 2 elementary report cards and we certainly understand the desire to know more about your child's progress and growth.  As you know, our process for sharing report cards with our families involved printed copies sent home with students.  While transitioning instruction to the online setting, we have also been working on a plan for electronically distributing report cards securely. We are very close to that solution now.


In addition to the means of distribution for the report cards, we are also adjusting expectations regarding the content of the report cards.  Here's why.  Just before the closure announcement, we had adjusted the report card distribution date due to snow days.  Our teachers needed this time to complete the end of term assessments needed to accurately record student progress.  When the closure announcement was made, our teachers were in the process of completing those assessments.   While many were complete on March 13th, some were not and this has resulted in some missing information that would normally be included. 


Here is what you can expect:


  • Elementary term 2 report cards will be issued electronically on May 10th with clear instructions to our families for how to access, view and print if desired. 
  • Some areas of the report card will be blank due to missing assessment data caused by the abrupt closure of school. 
  • Given that information may be missing, progress may not be shown in some areas.  
  • Remember that during the closure no formal grades or assessments are being given and teachers are providing feedback to students throughout the closure based on assignments received. Therefore, no report card for Term 3 will be issued.


As always, if you have questions about your child's academic progress or needs, please reach out to your child's teacher directly.


We are preparing now for a very different summer and fall, one that includes many opportunities to address the learning needs of our students. Stay tuned for more information about summer options coming soon.  


Again, we thank you for your patience during this challenging time.  Please know that we miss your children very much and are here to support you.  


