Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Art Class!
Mitchell PTO Board Nominations - Due 4/12
PTO Board Nominations - Spanish Mitchell PTO Board Nominations form.pdf
(Spanish below)
The Mitchell Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Needs You!
**If you have any questions about the board positions or the PTO in general, please feel free to contact Chris Kendall at (313) 212-5864 or cas_counsellor@hotmail.com** If you'd like to email your nominations, please email them directly to Chris, otherwise, please turn in your form before the April 12th PTO Meeting.
Have you ever wondered . . .
- How the activities and programs at Mitchell come to be?
- How you can help if you have a lot of time to give?
- How you can help if you only have a little time to give?
- How you can get your great idea implemented at Mitchell?
- How you can have a voice in what goes on at Mitchell school?
- How you can meet and connect with more Mitchell parents and families?
Well here is your answer to all of these questions –
Who are we and what do we do? The Mitchell PTO is made up of parents/guardians of Mitchell students, as well as Mitchell administrators and staff. We are a collaborative group working together to provide social opportunities, educational programs, fund raising, and other initiatives in support of the social and educational wellbeing of our kids.
How can you get involved? There are MANY ways that you can get involved, whether you have a little time or a lot, from volunteering for an hour or two at Fall Fest, Book Fair or other activity, to taking on a leadership position on the Executive Board (i.e. President, Treasurer, etc.). There are many opportunities to help throughout the school year and we encourage you to get involved even if you feel you only have a small amount of time to give. Our goal is to have everyone do a little so that no one has to do a lot.
We are currently in the early planning stages for next year's activities and we want to hear from you! First and foremost, we need to elect a new Executive Board for the 2016-17 school year. All positions are currently open for nominations, including officer positions as well committee chairs and members at large (nomination form attached with descriptions of each position). Each position can also be a shared position (i.e. Co-Treasurers, Co-Committee Chair, etc.) so if you and another fellow Mitchell parent are considering a Board position but aren't sure if you want to do it alone, sign up together and it will be less work for both of you!
All parents are welcome and the more participation we have, the better we will be at supporting a great social and educational environment at Mitchell for our kids. We also welcome all opinions and ideas. The more input we have from many different voices, the more representative we will be of the entire Mitchell community.
Here is the first way that you can help: Do you know someone who would be a great voice for the Mitchell community? Then nominate them for a PTO position! Remember that you can nominate yourself or someone else, and that all nominees will be contacted prior to the election in May to confirm whether or not they wish to accept the nomination.
Please return the attached nomination form to the school office by APRIL 8, 2016.
**If you have any questions about the board positions or the PTO in general, please feel free to contact Chris Kendall at (313) 212-5864 or cas_counsellor@hotmail.com**
Mitchell PTO Board Nominations for 2016-17
Please provide your nominations for the 2016-17 School Year. Duties begin July 1 2016 and run for 1 year. Each board position can have co-board members.
Board Job Descriptions: The PTO board consists of people who donate and commit their time to improving the educational experience for the Mitchell students. 100% of all money raised by the PTO goes toward school events, the children's field trips and Teacher and School Staff Appreciation for the hard work they perform to make our students better citizens.
Nomination for President _____________________________________________________________
Nomination for Vice President _________________________________________________________
Nomination for Treasurer _____________________________________________________________
Nomination for Secretary _____________________________________________________________
Nomination for Member-at-Large _______________________________________________________
Nomination for Member-at-Large _______________________________________________________
Nomination for Chair Position ___________________________________________________________
Please enter the Chair position and Name of Nominee
PTO President:
- Presides over meetings
- Coordinates the work of the organization
- Appoints officers, chairmen and certain committees
- Serve as liaison between staff, families and PTO
- Oversee the calendar, PTO's role in Registration Days, New Family Welcome, bulletin boards, staff appreciation and Room Moms
- Schedule and attend all PTO meetings, complete the proper facilities use forms and prepare agendas
- Check the PTO mailboxes in each building on a regular basis during the school year
- Prepare and submit PTO articles for the building newsletters
- Maintain a current roster of PTO board and share this list with the board as well as school secretaries
- Communicate with and encourage the Board Members
- Review the job descriptions and bylaws annually
PTO Vice President:
- Fill in for the President as needed
- Serve as a member of the major fundraising committees
- Enforce the bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order
- Participate in PTO functions
- Maintain close and frequent communication with the President
- Run periodic Movie Night events
- Fill in for Secretary as needed
- Assist the President
PTO Treasurer
- Handle the financial business of the PTO
- Report out at each meeting regarding the budget
- Assist the President and Vice President as needed
- Participate in PTO functions
PTO Secretary
- Record and disseminate meeting minutes
- Assist the President and Vice President as needed
- Participate in PTO functions
PTO Member at Large
- Assist the President and Vice President as needed
- Fill in when President and Vice President cannot attend events
- Fill in for all positions as needed
- Participate in PTO functions
Elections will be held at the final PTO meeting in May.
Nominaciones de la Junta Directiva del PTO en Mitchell Para el año escolar 2016-17
Por favor envie sus nominaciones para el año escolar 2016-17. La nueva junta comenzara a ejercer desde el 1st de julio del 2016 hasta el final del año escolar. Cada posición en la junta puede ser compartida.
Expectativas: La Junta Directiva del PTO consiste de personas que donan su tiempo y se comprometen a mejorar la experiencia educativa de los estudiantes en Mitchell. 100% de todo el dinero recaudado por el PTO es usado en eventos escolares, giras y para la Apreciación de los Maestros y el personal en Mitchell por el duro trabajo que realizan para hacer que nuestros estudiantes sean mejores estudiantes y ciudadanos.
Nominación para Presidente ____________________________________________________________
Nominación para Vice Presidente _________________________________________________________
Nominación para Tesorer@ _____________________________________________________________
Nominación para Secretari@ _____________________________________________________________
Nominación para PTO Vocal _____________________________________________________________
Nominación para PTO Vocal _____________________________________________________________
Nominación para Líder de Comité _________________________________________________________
Por favor escriba la posición de Líder de Comité y el Nombre del Nominado
Las elecciones se llevaran a cabo al final del la reunión de PTO en mayo.
PTO Presidente:
- Preside las reuniones
- Coordina el trabajo de la organización
- Nombra funcionarios, y algunos comites
- Sirve de enlace entre el personal escolar, las familias y el PTO
- Supervisa el calendario, y algunas actividades, como el Dia de Matrícula, la Bienvenida de Nuevas Familias, el tablón de anuncios, el Día de Apreciación del Maestro, etc.
- Programa y asiste a todas las reunions de PTO, completa las formas apropiadas para el uso de las facilidades, y prepara las agendas
- Responsable de la correspondencia del PTO
- Prepara y somete la información a cerca del PTO para ser incluida en el boletín informativo de Mitchell
- Mantener una lista actualizada de la junta directiva del PTO y compartirla con la junta directiva como también con las secretarias de la escuela
- Comunicarse con, y animar a los miembros de la junta directiva del PTO
- Revisa todos los años los estatutos y la descripción de las obligaciones de los miembros de la junta directiva del PTO
PTO Vice Presidente:
- Actuar como Presidente, cuando sea necesario
- Servir como miembro en los comités de los recaudamiento de fondos
- Enforzar los Estatutos y Reglas de Orden de Roberts
- Participar en las actividades organizadas por el PTO
- Mantener comunicación frequente y directa con el Presidente
- Responsable de los eventos de la Noche de Película
- Actuar como Secretar@, cuando sea necesario
- Asistir al Presidente
PTO Tesorer@
- Responaible de llevar a cabo las actividades financiera del PTO
- Informar en las reuniones del PTO sobre el presupuesto y las actividades financiera
- Asistir a el Presidente y Vice Presidente, cuando sea necesario
- Participar en las actividades organizadas por el PTO
PTO Secretary
- Registrar y difundir las actas de las reuniones
- Asistir a el Presidente y Vice Presidente, cuando sea necesario
- Participar en las actividades organizadas por el PTO
PTO Vocal
- Asistir al Presidente y Vice Presidente, cuando sea necesario
- Representar al Presidente y Vice Presidente cuando no puedan asistir a eventos
- Asistir con cualquier posición, cuando sea necesario
- Participar en las actividades organizadas por el PTO
Friday, March 25, 2016
Mitchell Expansion Update - 3/25/16
Work is beginning on our building expansion project! As we return to school on Monday, March 28 you'll notice a fence around the construction site in the back of the building. This fence is designed to act as a safety barrier. Students will not be allowed near the site. Please know this:
-The path from the Scarlett parking lot into the building will NO longer be accessible. You must come to the front door.
-Construction traffic will occur in the back of the building. Therefore, parents must drop-off and pick-up in front – only.
-Safety is our first priority. Please be patient during drop-off & pick-up out front. NO PARKING in the front circle drive. Thank you.
MSTEP Information
When we return from Spring Break, 5th grade students will begin the MSTEP test. The MSTEP test replaces the old MEAP test and is required by the State of Michigan for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. If you have questions please contact Mr. Hilton or Mr. Karr at 997.1216.
Mitchell School Book Give Away - Week of March 28th
All Mitchell School students will have the opportunity to choose a free book to add to their at home reading libraries. It is important that students continue to read during spring break. After your child reads his or her book some questions you might ask your child are, "What was the problem in the story?" "How was the problem solved?" and/or "What did you learn from the book?" This opportunity is made possible through our partnership with the Children's Literacy Network.
Food Distribution - April 2
Free food is available for Mitchell families Saturday, April 2 from 9:30-11:00. All Mitchell families who need food are invited to come to Mitchell school for a free food giveaway. This free food distribution will happen the first Saturday of each month. A one-time registration process is required to verify household members. If you registered at the February event, you will not have to register again.
Note: To be clear, this is only available to Mitchell School families at this time.
Lost and Found
We have quite a larger number of items at the lost and found table – jackets, mittens, hats etc. Please stop by and check for any missing items. Any items remaining at Spring Break will be donated.
Art Update from Mrs. Williams!
Mitchell Expansion surveying and construction fence going up today! = additional space for IB candidate Primary Years Programme
![]() | Kevin Karr (@A2_IB) |
Mitchell Expansion surveying and construction fence going up today! = additional space for #IB #PYP @A2schools #a2ib pic.twitter.com/nzIJHMCaM0 |
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Friday, March 18, 2016
All-School Mariachi Vargas Field Trip - April 1
April 1 All-School Field Trip to the University of Michigan to see Mariachi Vargas
Dear Families, we are excited to announce that we are taking an all-school field trip to the University of Michigan to see Mariachi Vargas on April 1, 2016! Permission slips have gone home with your child. We would like to invite two parent-chaperones per class, so please communicate with your child's teacher if you are interested in attending the concert.
When we return to Mitchell after the concert, student volunteers from the University of Michigan will visit classrooms for an interactive read-aloud event with bilingual Spanish and English books honoring the life and legacy of Cesar E. Chavez, a labor and human rights activist who co-founded with Dolores Huerta the United Farm Workers of America—UFW. We invite all parents to join us and participate in this interactive read-aloud time in their child's classroom, which will begin at 1pm.
Through the concert and reading event, we aim to expand our knowledge of Mexican American culture and history. We welcome all families to learn with us and contribute to deepening our connections between Mitchell School and our communities.
1 de Abril Excursión para toda la escuela Mitchell a la Universidad de Michigan para ver a Mariachi Vargas
Queridas Familias, es con mucho gusto que anunciamos una excursión a la Universidad de Michigan para ver el concierto de Mariachi Vargas el viernes, 1 de Abril, 2016! Favor de firmar la nota de permiso que ya mandamos a casa con sus hijos/hijas. También queremos invitar a dos padres/madres por salón de clase para servir de ayudantes de maestra/maestro y asistir al concierto. Si usted quiere participar de ayudante, favor de comunicarse con la maestra/el maestro.
Después del concierto, cuando regresemos a Mitchell, estudiantes voluntarios de la universidad van a leer libros bilingües –en español e inglés. Este evento es para honorar la vida y legacía de Cesar E. Chavez, un activista de los derechos de trabajadores y derechos humanos, quien también fue fundador con Dolores Huerta de la Unión de Trabajadores Campesinos de América (United Farm Workers of America—UFW). Invitamos a todas las madres y todos los padres a disfrutar en esta actividad en el salón de su hija/hijo, que va a comenzar a las 1:00 de la tarde.
Por medio del concierto y el evento de leer, intentamos a aumentar nuestro conocimiento de la cultura y historia de Mexicanas/Mexicanos en los Estados Unidos. Todos están bienvenidos a aprender con nosotros y contribuir a estos momentos de convivencia con la meta de establecer y fortalecer un puente entre la escuela Mitchell y nuestras comunidades.
Mitchell Expansion Update
Over the coming weeks, construction will begin on the 6 classroom addition to Mitchell School. We are really excited about the addition and the added classroom space it will provide! I also want you to know that student safety is my number one priority. A fence will erected around the construction site and students will not be allowed near the site or near the construction equipment. Kindergarten students will use the playground in front of the building. While students will be able see the equipment and construction workers, they will not be allowed to interact in any way.
Additional work, which includes transforming one of our current classrooms (Mr. Krigbaums room) into a family resource room and preparing for a preschool room and a Young 5's room, will take place this summer. All work is scheduled to be completed in August and we will be prepared for school in the fall! If you have questions, please call the school office.
Ann Arbor Public Schools Climate Survey
The Ann Arbor Public Schools is committed to continuing on its path of excellence and helping all students achieve at the highest level. But we can only truly succeed if we engage with our community to understand the perspectives and priorities of our students, parents and employees.
Later this month, the District will launch its annual School Climate Surveys — one for parents, one for employees, one for students in grades 3-5 and one for students in grades 6-12. Last year, more than 10,000 surveys were submitted, and we hope to receive even more participation this year.
Here are the details:
What: The School Climate Surveys include questions about educational quality, academic preparation, school and district leadership, student support, and safety and behavior, among other topics.
Who: All parents, staff and students in grades 3-12 are invited to participate.
When: The survey will launch March 21st and close April 1st.
How: Parents and staff with a current email address on file will receive a personal survey invitation, and students will access it using their PowerSchool student IDs.
The survey can be taken in English, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish.
For those without Internet access, paper surveys are available at your school office AND will be sent home to families who have requested hardcopy communications.
Why: Because every voice matters!
Every individual experience in the Ann Arbor Public Schools is unique and we need to hear from you! The inclusion of every voice is what makes the Ann Arbor Public Schools exceptional!
5th Grade Parents - Math Testing Out
Middle school math testing out assessment for Math 6 for the 2016/17 school year will occur at Mitchell on May 4 of this school year. Students must be registered to take the Middle School Math Testing Out test by 3pm on Monday, April 11. To learn about the testing and to register your child, please access the link below. No registrations will be accepted after the deadline.
Mitchell School Science Fair
All children who are completing a science fair project are invited to bring their projects to school on the morning of Thursday, March 31. We will have tables lining the hallway for students to display their projects. From 6:00-7:00 pm we will celebrate the science fair at school and all families are welcome to come view the science fair projects done by Mitchell students!
Mitchell Community Expansion Meeting Slides - 3/17/16
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Mitchell Community Meeting - Expansion Plans
We are hosting an informational community meeting regarding the building expansion plan here at Mitchell School. The meeting will take place in the media center on March 17 at 6:00 PM.
Early Student Pick-Up
We have noticed some students being picked up early from school. It is really important for students to stay in school until the very end of the day. Teachers often end the day with a "closing circle" that helps students to reflect on the learning from the day and prepare for the next day. When students miss this consistently, their learning suffers. While we do understand that students will need to leave early from time to time, please limit the early pick-ups to important appointments and family events. Thank you.
Mitchell PTO Meeting
The Mitchell PTO will be meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00 PM in the media center. All families are welcome to attend. Please come!
March is Reading Month
Mitchell School students have been celebrating March is Reading Month in many different ways. If you been to school lately you may have noticed the "Passports" on teachers doors highlighting the different books that children have read. On March16, all Mitchell students and staff will be reading together from 2:00-2:15 in the afternoon. It's always a fun event to see everyone Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.)!!
Job Opportunity - Mitchell Lunch Room
Chartwell's is looking for a part-time employee to work in the lunch program here at Mitchell School. If you are interested or know of someone who might be interested, you can find more information HERE.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Young 5's at Mitchell!
Beginning this fall, Mitchell School will be offering a Young 5's program. The Young 5's program is meant to be the "gift of time" for students turning 5 between May 1, 2016 and December 1, 2016. Information about this exciting program can be found HERE.
Election Day - Tuesday, March 8
While some schools within AAPS are polling locations and will host community voters during the Presidential Primary next Tuesday, I want you to know that Mitchell School is NOT a polling location. We will do school as normal.
Mitchell Free Food Distribution - 3/5/16
Free food is available for Mitchell families Saturday, March 5 from 9:30-11:00. All Mitchell families who need food are invited to come to Mitchell school for a free food giveaway. A one-time registration process is required to verify household members. If you registered at a previous event, you will not have to register again.
Note: To be clear, this is only available to Mitchell School families at this time.
Mitchell/Scarlett Family Fun Night & Auction - Scarlett Middle School on 3/11
Please join us for a night of family fun, food, raffles, games, and a silent auction! The event will take place at Scarlett Middle School from 6:00-8:00 pm on Friday, March 11. We would love for all Mitchell families to attend!! It will be fun!
Mitchell Fifth Grade Takes First Place At Academic Games State Tournament!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Congrats to Our Youth Art Month Students!
Please join me in congratulating the following students on their artwork being selected to display for Youth Art Month:
Ms. Archer's class: Bruno, Jimena
Ms. Thompson's class: Neveh, Airon, Masha, Alexandria
Ms. Morse's class: Mathew, Sean
Ms. Sanmigel's class: Finn, Samiya, Ashton, Enoch, Angel, Samuel, Alexis
Ms. Deshpande's class: Grace
Ms. House's class: Megan, Mohammad
Mr. Hamilton's class: Liam
Ms. Faison's class: Garret, Aliyah
Ms. Schmidt's class: Braylon, Joel, Natalia, Diego, Evelin, Isabelle
Ms. Kang's class: Vy, Sory
Ms. McCready's class: Toby, Nathon, Nova
Ms. Padgen's class: Jayla, Anahi, Riley, Daija
Mr. Krigbaum's class: Lilianna
Youth Art Month is collaboration with the Main St. Area Association and Ann Arbor Public Schools to display student artwork throughout local businesses in downtown Ann Arbor. Mitchell artwork is displayed at:
120 E Liberty St,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
The Cupcake Station
116 E Liberty St,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Their artwork will be on display throughout the month of March. There will also be a reception and art walk held on Sunday March 6th from 12pm-2pm. Please join us if you can, or stop by to see their wonderful work on display!