Friday, January 15, 2016

Mitchell Listening Campaign

At a PTO meeting earlier this school year, a proposal was brought forward to engage in an intentional process of building relationships and fostering a more connected community here at Mitchell School. This proposal was considered by the PTO group and it was recommended that we move forward to implement what is being called - The Mitchell Listening Campaign. Ellen Patnaude, Mitchell 4th grade parent, will lead this group. 

One of the most effective ways to find out what other people are thinking about, excited about, concerned about, and what is most important to them is to engage in one-on-one conversation. To this end, a group of parents is forming with the intent of getting to know other parents and building our school community.


On Wednesday, January 27 from 5:30-8:30 Ellen Patnaude will lead a training for interested parents who will learn how to engage others in an effective one-on-one conversation. If you're interested in learning more you are invited to attend the training and/or reach out to Ellen. She can be contacted at 248.534.6409 or