Tuesday, March 31, 2015

World Language Newsletter - March 2015


March sped past and while we are not yet well into Spring, we are well into our next units in Spanish!

            Kindergarten through second grade made awesome vocabulary review books and we have now been working on family members!  We made family trees, sang family songs, and put on family puppet shows!

Third grade just finished up their unit on description words.  They worked on physical descriptions as well as personality traits.  We ended that unit with jeopardy and are looking forward to beginning our next unit on school!

Fourth grade finished up their body part vocabulary unit and have begun a new unit on nature words and places.

Fifth grade finished up their sports and hobbies unit and is now working on a city and transportation unit.  We have been enjoying some cultural discussions about city life in Spain and Mexico as we learn this vocabulary.  I have enjoyed discussing my experiences during my time living in Spain as part of this unit as well! 

I am excited for the remainder of the year and the rest of the learning we will be doing!

Questions, comments, or concerns, please email me!


Sarah Kairis

Elementary Spanish teacher- Allen, Burns Park, Carpenter, Mitchell



Spring is here and we are very exited to see the sun again. March is the

reading month, and my students created their first Arabic books to read. In this

month we focused on learning the classroom's vocabularies and recognize things

around them in Arabic. Then we start describing things in the classroom with

the colors and size (Kabeer =big and Sagheer=small). After we learned the key

words my students create their Arabic books "Things in the classroom."

As I travel from one school to another I decided to exchange the books

among the three schools and give my students the opportunity to read others'

books and write a book review. I believe that publishing is important for my

students to gain confidence while learning a world language. It gave them the

opportunity to take the moral high ground and I asked the kids to do their very

best because their writing was headed for publication. We all know that real

audiences make a difference. This assignment went from being something that

only the teacher will see to something peers at other schools would see. Effort

and results went way up!


As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to

contact me by email: basuni@aaps.k12.mi.us



Mrs. Basuni

The Arabic Language Teacher