Saturday, March 28, 2015

Thank you Mitchell PTO - Last Night Was Terrific!

Dear Mitchell PTO,

Wow! The Mitchell Scarlett Carnival last night was terrific! The silent auction, games and food were perfect! Everyone seemed to enjoy all of it. I certainly did. I have to say the camaraderie was the best part of the night. It was great to touch base with so many current and former Mitchell families, and I always appreciate seeing our fifth graders in their future school home. I can't remember a school event I enjoyed that much!

I also want to mention I was happy to support again this year at the pie toss. However, I am filing a formal complaint about the double pie assault I received at the end of my shift from Mrs. Hatt and Mrs. Deshpande. I was actually OK with the manner in which Mrs. Hatt came at me and dumped the pie on my head. Mrs. Deshpande, however, came in fast and landed hard. I get that sometimes teachers don't know their own strength, but it is the pleasure Mrs. Deshpande showed afterwards that has caused me pause. You will certainly notice said pleasure in the picture below. I don't know what to think. I am suggesting tighter security next year when Mrs. D toes the line, please.

Kevin Karr
Principal (with slightly bruised cheek ;-)