Friday, May 31, 2013

Letter to 2013-14 Fifth Grade Families (Current Fourth Grade Families)

May 31, 2013

Dear Fourth Grade Parents,

     As you may know, Fifth Grade Camp is a tradition here at Mitchell Elementary.  Each March the classes take off for an adventure-filled three days/two nights at YMCA’s Camp Storer, near Jackson, Michigan.  Activities are carefully planned and fill the time at Camp with team building, natural science classes, environmental studies and lots of fun like a Square Dance and Skit Night.  No fifth grader comes home without learning new songs, gaining confidence and bonding with their classmates. 

    Your child’s class recently visited the fifth grade classroom where they had an opportunity to watch a slideshow, get a brief introduction to the camp experience, and had the opportunity to ask questions.

    The cost per child is roughly $140.00.  In order to support your child’s camp attendance next year, the PTO will be sponsoring several fundraisers, including Little Caesar’s Pizza Kit orders and a lemonade stand at recess.  We are also working on several grants to help fund all or part of the camp tuition, and we are requesting scholarships directly from Camp Storer.

We are asking for your support in the following ways:

Contribute to the PTO’s fundraising events
Support the “Coins for Camp” campaign by helping your child create a container where friends and family can contribute their loose change.  Your child was introduced to this activity last week. (This past year several fifth graders did chores at home and in their community to help pay for their own camp tuition!).
Think about volunteering to be a Cabin Leader.  It is lots of fun, there is excellent food, and the kids will LOVE you for it!
Attend the camp information night which will be held in September.

    In September, we will reassess the cost per child and let parents know how much needs to be donated by families.  We will also share details about an optional payment plan for those who would like to pay monthly.  We will also have more information about scholarships and grants.

    Please do not hesitate to contact the fifth grade teachers, Mr. Krigbaum or Mrs. Spiess if you have any additional questions.

Mrs. Spiess
Mr. Krigbaum
Mitchell P.T.O.