Friday, May 14, 2021

HuronHigh School Personal Project

Dear AAPS Families, Community Members and Colleagues,


You are cordially invited to view the Huron International Baccalaureate

Personal Project Exhibition Website! Here is the link to the website:


The Personal Project is the culminating event of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and showcases individual learning. It focuses on a topic chosen by the student and challenges students to demonstrate their learning capabilities through an extended project.


Success with the Personal Project is connected to skills every successful student needs:

- Goal Setting, planning, and problem solving

- Developing skills and attitudes needed for sustained and focused work

- Taking action to implement their plan

- Effectively communicating personal and academic learning

- Reflecting on learning and goal achievement.


Students started working on their project in October of 2020 and completed them, along with a written report, at the end of March in 2021. Students moved through the four phases of the Personal Project curriculum: investigation, planning, taking action, and reflection as they worked on their projects. While we traditionally hold an in-person exhibition to celebrate this accomplishment, we hope this year's virtual exhibition will be able to give you a sense of what some of our students were able to accomplish in this unprecedented year. We hope you enjoy exploring a sample of the different projects that our students created this year.



The 2020-2021 Huron Personal Project Team