Friday, November 6, 2020

Rec & Ed - Mitchell Elementary - Saturday PM 11/7

There are still spaces open in Saturday's free outdoor Rec & Ed soccer class at Mitchell Elementary. This class has been a big hit at every school and happens in 3 age group sessions over the course of Saturday afternoon. We will also take walk up registrations but would prefer if families register!


Description: The Michigan Futsal Factory will provide students with professional coaching and feedback during the sessions. Run by Coach Ducks, Coach Sam and MIFFA staff, sessions are designed to focus on the technical aspects of the game such as dribbling, passing, receiving and shooting. Sessions will improve a player's reaction, decision making, and problem solving skills. We will also focus on improving balance and coordination through fun games and activities! Each age group session runs for 45 min. The program will be run in accordance with CDC Guidelines.

Link to registration:Mitchell Class Link