Dear Mitchell Families and Community Members,
In connection to Mitchell School's celebration of National African American History Month and our work as an International Baccalaureate school, we proudly announce the launching of a new unit of study for all students at Mitchell.
The new unit focuses on the African American Civil Rights movement, the development of Motown, and social justice. It uses text, music and visual arts as a way for students to inquire (ask questions), think, discuss and reflect on:
Civil rights leaders
Action - taking action in order to make the world a more peaceful place.
Two central ideas students will be/are studying:
Civil rights leaders use music to establish a sense of community and a common purpose.
Throughout history, visual art has been created to spread awareness of social justice and promote action within communities.
Parents/Guardians Invited to Mitchell - Monday, February 11 All parents/guardians are invited to come to school on Monday, February 11 as a part of National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID). We will be highlighting some of the work from the new unit during this time. Here is the schedule of events:
Keeping the Conversation Going!
Whether or not you are able to come to school on Monday, February 11 for the assembly and NAAPID, here are some questions to ask and discuss at home that are connections to the new unit:
How has equality and fairness changed in our country?
What is it like when people do not have equal rights and freedom?
What is it like for different groups of people?
We are really excited to share with you soon, and we'd like to get your feedback on our work in order to get the best schooling anywhere for your kids.
Matt Hilton Alison Epler Wendy RothmanPrincipal Assistant Principal IB Coordinator