I can't believe January is nearly over! This month was fast, and full of Spanish! In each of my classes, students practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing!
The students in grades K-2 have been working on fruit vocabulary this month. We are reviewing our number and color words as we do this!
In grade 3, we are working on weather words. We just finished up our unit on days, dates, and birthdays.
In grade 4, we are beginning a unit on family vocabulary. We are using these words to help us create our personal family tree! We just finished up our unit on pets.
The fifth grade students have finished up their unit on emotions. We are currently working on prepositions and locations in the school. With the combination of these vocabulary words, we are able to give directions to places around the school!
If you want to impress your students with your Spanish knowledge, here are some words to know:
K-2 3 4 5
Apple- manzana Cold- frio Grandma- abuela School-escuela
Grapes- uvas Hot- calor Mom- madre Library-biblioteca
Pear- pera Snow- nieve Brother- hermano Left-izquierda
Banana- platano Rain- llueve Uncle- tio Right-derecha
Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas.
Thank you,
Sarah Kairis kairiss@aaps.k12.mi.us
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! We are back at work establishing new learning goals and working hard to attain them. This month we are focusing on reading and writing as part of the skills that students need to improve. At this time, students are able to recognize many different letters, sounds and the forms of letters.
In writing, students continue to work on applying their knowledge of the Arabic language to their writing. For example, writing from right to left, recognizing vowels and identifying some familiar words. We also learned the days of the week song in Arabic.
We will continue to explore the Arabic language and culture. Students will be reading more to build their vocabulary and understanding. We are focusing on how to ask about things by using "I want" in Arabic " Ana Oreedh" through variety of strategies and games.
It's great teaching your sons and daughters a new language so they can communicate with other people! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:
Mrs. Basuni basuni@aaps.k12.mi.us