Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NEW School Rules at Mitchell!

Students from each class contributed to the final product (shown above) representing the new school rules at Mitchell!

This fall at Mitchell each student has worked with their teacher and classmates to create classroom rules.  The purpose of this was to establish what is expected in each classroom. 

After those rules were completed, each class picked two representatives to share their classroom rules with other classes and grades so that we could begin thinking about what rules made sense for the whole school.

We began with 54 classroom rules!  Of course there were similarities in rules from one class to the next.  Even if the words a class chose were different from another class, we often determined they meant the same thing.  For example, "walk in the hallways" was connected to "be safe."  Through our discussion we determined that "be safe" was a good rule for Mitchell since it means "walk in the hallway" as well as other important ideas that keep us safe like "always go down the slide."

After looking at the 54 rules and discussing them over the course of 2.5 hours, we narrowed the rules for the school down to 8.  At that point, the group met again to consider a final recommendation for school rules.  Mr. Karr said the goal was to recommend 3-5 rules for the school.  After looking at the 8 rules, the group discussed, shared, listened, and came up with a final recommendation of 4 rules for the school:

  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Be Safe
  4. Have Fun!
The group also believed it was important to begin sharing and talking about the rules.  At lunch recess today, they will begin making plans to do this.

Parents - please talk with your students about these rules.  Ask them to give you examples of what they mean!