Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mitchell School Notes - 10/1/2012

Calendar / Calendario

Monday, October 1 – Friday, October 5
Book Fair / Feria del Libro

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
·    School Picture Day
·    Escuela Día de Fotos
3:45 – 5:00 – Mighty Mustangs Math Program

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
·    Student Count Day
·    Día del Estudiante Conde

Thursday, October 4, 2012
3:45 – 5:00 – Mighty Mustangs Math Program

Friday, October 5, 2012
6:00 PM – Family Movie Night @ Mitchell School -  Parents attend with children / Familia Noche de Cine en la Escuela Mitchell - Los padres asisten con los niños

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
·    MEAP Reading Test Day 1 – Third, Fourth, Fifth Graders / Tercero, los alumnos de cuarto, quinto
3:45 – 5:00 – Mighty Mustangs Math Program
3:45 – 5:00 – Chess Club / club de Ajedrez

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
·    MEAP Reading Test Day 2 – Third, Fourth, Fifth Graders / Tercero, los alumnos de cuarto, quinto

Thursday, October 11, 2012
MEAP Writing Test Day 1 – Fourth Graders / estudiantes de cuarto grado
3:45 – 5:00 – Mighty Mustangs Math Program

News and Information / Información y Noticias

New School Rules / Nuevas Reglas Escolares
This fall at Mitchell each student has worked with their teacher and classmates to create classroom rules.  The purpose of this was to establish what is expected in each classroom. 

After those rules were completed, each class picked two representatives to share their classroom rules with other classes and grades so that we could begin thinking about what rules made sense for the whole school.

We began with 54 classroom rules!  Of course there were similarities in rules from one class to the next.  Even if the words a class chose were different from another class, we often determined they meant the same thing.  For example, "walk in the hallways" was connected to "be safe."  Through our discussion we determined that "be safe" was a good rule for Mitchell since it means "walk in the hallway" as well as other important ideas that keep us safe like "always go down the slide."

After looking at the 54 rules and discussing them over the course of 2.5 hours, we narrowed the rules for the school down to 8.  At that point, the group met again to consider a final recommendation for school rules.  Mr. Karr said the goal was to recommend 3-5 rules for the school.  After looking at the 8 rules, the group discussed, shared, listened, and came up with a final recommendation of 4 rules for the school:

  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Be Safe
  4. Have Fun!
The group also believed it was important to begin sharing and talking about the rules.  At lunch recess today, they will begin making plans to do this.

Parents - please talk with your students about these rules.  Ask them to give you examples of what they mean!  

Esta caída en Mitchell cada estudiante ha trabajado con sus profesores y compañeros de clase para crear reglas de la clase. El propósito de esto era establecer lo que se espera en cada aula. 

Después de esas normas fueron completadas, cada clase eligió a dos representantes para que compartan sus reglas de la clase con otras clases y grados, así que pudimos empezar a pensar qué reglas tenía sentido para toda la escuela.

Empezamos con 54 reglas de la clase! Por supuesto que hubo similitudes en las reglas de una clase a otra. Incluso si las palabras de una clase diferente elegimos eran de otra clase, a menudo determina que significaban lo mismo. Por ejemplo, "caminar en los pasillos" estaba conectado a "estar seguro". A través de nuestro análisis se determinó que "a salvo" era una buena regla para Mitchell ya que significa "caminar en el pasillo", así como otras ideas importantes que nos mantienen a salvo como "siempre ir por el tobogán".

Después de ver las 54 reglas y discutirlas en el transcurso de 2,5 horas, se estrecharon las reglas de la escuela a 8. En ese momento, el grupo se reunió de nuevo para examinar una recomendación final para las reglas de la escuela. Sr. Karr dijo que el objetivo era recomendar 3-5 reglas para la escuela. Después de ver las 8 reglas, el grupo discutió la residencia, escuchó, y se acercó con una recomendación final de 4 reglas para la escuela:

  1. Sea respetuoso
  2. Ser Responsable
  3. Be Safe
  4. Have Fun!
El grupo también considera que es importante para comenzar a compartir y hablar de las reglas. En el recreo, el almuerzo de hoy, van a empezar a hacer planes para hacer esto. Padres - por favor hable con sus estudiantes acerca de estas reglas. Pídales que le den ejemplos de lo que significan!  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

MEAP Testing October 9 - 26 - Letter from Mr. Karr

Dear Mitchell School Parent/Guardian,

Your student will be taking the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) test from October 9th – 26th.  Students in grades 3-5 will take a two-part Reading test and a Mathematics test; students in grades 4 will also take a two-part Writing test; students in grades 5 will also take a Science test, and students in grades 6 and 9 will also take a Social Studies test.  The state has scheduled specific dates for each subject area test and make-ups:
Grade Level
Subject Area
Scheduled Date
Make-up Dates
Reading Day 1
Tuesday, October 9
October 11, 12, 15, 18-26
Reading Day 2
Wed., October 10
October 11, 12, 15, 18-26
4 and 7
Writing Day 1
Thursday, October 11
October 12, 15, 18-26
Tuesday, October 16
October 18-26
4 and 7
Writing Day 2
Wed., October 17
October 18-26
5 and 8
Wed., October 17
October 18-26
6 and 9
Social Studies
Wed.  October 17
October 18-26
General Make-up Sessions
October 18-26
All students in these grades should take the tests.  We are required by the federal "No Child Left Behind" legislation to give the test to all students, and individual schools are held accountable for full participation of their students.  If you have concerns about a child with a disability or with limited English proficiency taking the test, please contact me to discuss available accommodations.
Based on the state Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE), these tests reflect the knowledge and skills that will be important for students in today's world.   Because the test is being given in the fall, it covers content in previous grades; for example, 3rd graders will be tested on content through the end of 2nd grade.  These tests along with other assessments and instructional performance indicators will help to identify those skills your child has learned and which skills may need strengthening. 
The Ann Arbor Public School district uses these results to help us improve the school curriculum and work with individual students. In addition, the MEAP is used as the primary measure for state and federal accountability requirements.  Additional information about the MEAP is available on the state website:
You can help your child do his/her best on the MEAP test by following these suggestions:

1) make sure that your child attends school on the days of testing;

2) make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep before testing;

3) remind your child to ask the teacher questions if she/he does not understand the test directions;

4) let your child know that you are confident in his/her ability to do his/her best. 

Please feel free to contact your child's teacher or me if you would like additional information.
Kevin Karr
Mitchell School

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

NEW School Rules at Mitchell!

Students from each class contributed to the final product (shown above) representing the new school rules at Mitchell!

This fall at Mitchell each student has worked with their teacher and classmates to create classroom rules.  The purpose of this was to establish what is expected in each classroom. 

After those rules were completed, each class picked two representatives to share their classroom rules with other classes and grades so that we could begin thinking about what rules made sense for the whole school.

We began with 54 classroom rules!  Of course there were similarities in rules from one class to the next.  Even if the words a class chose were different from another class, we often determined they meant the same thing.  For example, "walk in the hallways" was connected to "be safe."  Through our discussion we determined that "be safe" was a good rule for Mitchell since it means "walk in the hallway" as well as other important ideas that keep us safe like "always go down the slide."

After looking at the 54 rules and discussing them over the course of 2.5 hours, we narrowed the rules for the school down to 8.  At that point, the group met again to consider a final recommendation for school rules.  Mr. Karr said the goal was to recommend 3-5 rules for the school.  After looking at the 8 rules, the group discussed, shared, listened, and came up with a final recommendation of 4 rules for the school:

  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Be Safe
  4. Have Fun!
The group also believed it was important to begin sharing and talking about the rules.  At lunch recess today, they will begin making plans to do this.

Parents - please talk with your students about these rules.  Ask them to give you examples of what they mean!  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mitchell School Notes – from Mr. Karr

Calendar / Calendario

Friday, September 21, 2012 
·    POSTPONED – Schoolwide Rules Ceremony – We just need a bit more time to finish up the development of our new rules.
·    APLAZADO - Ceremonia de la Escuela Reglas Wide - Sólo necesitamos un poco más tiempo para terminar el desarrollo de nuestras nuevas reglas.

Monday, September 24, 2012
·    Mighty Mustangs Registration Forms Due
·    Mighty Mustangs Formularios de inscripción Due

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
·    Evening – PTO fundraiser – Dining Out for a Cause – Applebee’s – must bring flyer
·    Tarde - PTO para recaudar fondos - Comer fuera por una causa - Applebee - debe traer Fraude

Friday, September 28, 2012
·    Spirit Wear Orders Due – See Mitchell Website for more information or call the school office for an order form
·    Las órdenes Espíritu desgaste debido Mitchell - Ver web para más información o llame a la oficina de la escuela por un formulario de pedido

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
·    School Picture Day
·    Escuela Día de Fotos
3:45 – 5:00 – Mighty Mustangs Math Program

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
·    Student Count Day
·    Día del Estudiante Conde

Thursday, October 4, 2012
3:45 – 5:00 – Mighty Mustangs Math Program

Friday, October 5, 2012
6:00 PM – Family Movie Night @ Mitchell School -
6:00 PM – Familia Noche de Cine en la Escuela Mitchell

News and Information / Información y Noticias

Mighty Mustangs Registration Forms Due - Monday, 9/24 / Mighty Mustangs Formularios de inscripción Due - Lunes, 09.24

Mighty Mustangs is an after school math program offered each school year for grades 3-5.  Invitations for the program this year were sent home on Thursday, September 21.  Parents who received them should fill out the registration forms and return them to school on Friday, 9/21 or Monday, 9/24.  

If you have questions, please call the school office at 997-1216 or email Mr. Karr at karrk at

Mighty Mustangs es un programa de matemáticas en la escuela después de que ofrece cada año escolar para los grados 3-5. Las invitaciones para el programa de este año fueron enviados a casa el jueves, 21 de septiembre. Los padres que las recibieron deberán llenar los formularios de inscripción y devolverlos a la escuela el Viernes, 09.21 o lunes, 9/24.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina al 997-1216 o por correo electrónico al Sr. Karr en karrk en

Mighty Mustangs Registration Forms Due - Monday, 9/24 / Mighty Mustangs Formularios de inscripción Due - Lunes, 09.24

Mighty Mustangs is an after school math program offered each school
year for grades 3-5. Invitations for the program this year were sent
home on Thursday, September 21. Parents who received them should fill
out the registration forms and return them to school on Friday, 9/21
or Monday, 9/24.

If you have questions, please call the school office at 997-1216 or
email Mr. Karr at karrk at

Mighty Mustangs es un programa de matemáticas en la escuela después de
que ofrece cada año escolar para los grados 3-5. Las invitaciones para
el programa de este año fueron enviados a casa el jueves, 21 de
septiembre. Los padres que las recibieron deberán llenar los
formularios de inscripción y devolverlos a la escuela el Viernes,
09.21 o lunes, 9/24.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina al 997-1216 o
por correo electrónico al Sr. Karr en karrk en

Buckle Up!!! - Kids Must Wear Safety Belts

During pick up at the end of the day, I've noticed that sometimes students are not wearing seat belts OR are not buckled into their seats appropriately.

As a reminder, Michigan's child passenger safety law requires:

  • Children younger than age 4 to ride in a car seat in the rear seat if the vehicle has a rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied by children under 4, then a child under 4 may ride in a car seat in the front seat. A child in a rear-facing car seat may only ride in the front seat if the airbag is turned off.

  • Children to be properly buckled in a car seat or booster seat until they are 8 years old or 4-feet-9-inches tall. Children must ride in a seat until they reach the age requirement or the height requirement, whichever comes first.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Order Your Mitchell Spirit Wear!

Mitchell spirit wear orders are due on September 28!

Orders can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Think Stretch Books - LAST CALL!

Students who worked on Think Stretch books should turn them in now if
they haven't already. Medals will be ordered soon for those student's
who participated.

If you have questions, please call the school office.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mitchell Chess Club? Please Read

Dear Mitchell Parents,

I have been contacted by Atulya Shetty, a member of the United States Chess Team and an Ann Arbor Huron High School student.

Atulya, with the help of the Huron Chess Team, has offered to organize a chess club at Mitchell school as an after school club on Tuesdays from 3:45 - 5 PM.  However, the club needs an adult sponsor.

Is this something you would volunteer to do?  If yes, please contact me via email or telephone (997-1216).

Kevin Karr

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mitchell School Notes - September 6, 2012

September 7, 2012
Calendar / Calendario
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 
6 PM – Curriculum Night at Mitchell School – All Families Should Attend - Todas las familias deben asistir
Friday, September 14, 2012
Today is Spirit Friday – Wear Your Favorite Colors!  Wear Your Mitchell T-shirt!  Wear Your Maize and Blue!!! Lleve sus colores favoritos! Use su Mitchell T-shirt! Use su maíz y azul!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
6 – 6:30 PM  - PTO Board of Directors Meets at Mitchell School - PTO Consejo de Administración se reúne en la Escuela Mitchell
6:30 – 7:30 PM – PTO Meets at Mitchell School – All parents welcome to attend! - PTO se reúne en la Escuela Mitchell - Todos los padres son bienvenidos a asistir a
News and Information / Información y Noticias
Curriculum Night – Tuesday at 6 PM – English and Español
Dear Mitchell Families,

Curriculum Night at Mitchell school for parents will be on Tuesday, September 11 from 6 – 7:40 PM.

We are asking for one adult from each family to come to school that evening to meet with teachers.  For this to happen, it may be necessary for friends and families to work together for babysitting.

Mr. Karr asks that one adult from each family comes for Curriculum Night on September 11. 

The schedule for the evening is as follows:
6 – 6:30    Classroom presentation #1 – teachers present to parents
6:40 – 7:00    Mr. Karr presents to parents in the multi-purpose room
7:10 – 7:50    Classroom presentation #2 – teachers present to parents

While at Curriculum Night, parents should:
1.    Go to your child's classroom at 6 PM or 7:10 PM;
2.    Sign up for a parent-teacher conference
3.    Visit other teachers Physical Education, Vocal Music, Reading Intervention, Resource Room, English as a Second Language, Art, Computer Lab and the Media Center!

No parking in front of Mitchell school.  Please park only in designated parking spaces.  There aren't enough parking spaces for everyone.  Plan to park in the Scarlett parking lot.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 11!


Kevin Karr

Estimadas familias del colegio Mitchell,

La Noche de Currículo para los padres, será el martes, 11 de septiembre, de 6 a 8 en la noche. 

Para esta noche, el señor Karr pide que un padre de familia solamente, atienda de Noche de Currículo de el 11 de septiembre con fines de reunirse con los maestros de sus hijos. Para que esto ocurra, puede ser necesario que los amigos y las familias trabajen juntos para cuidar niños en la casa. La meta de este formato nuevo es mejorar la comunicación entre padre y maestros disminuyendo la cantidad de gente en el aula. 

El horario es la siguiente:

De 6 a 6:30     Presentación en el aula n º 1 - los profesores presentan a los padres.
De 6:40-7:00     El señor Karr presenta a los padres en el salón de usos múltiples.
De 7:10-7:50     Presentación en el aula n º 2 - los maestros presentan a los padres.

Mientras que en la Noche de Currículo, los padres deben:

1. Ir a clase de su hijo a las 6 a 7:10;
2. Regístrese para obtener una conferencia de padres y maestros
3. Visite los profesores de Educación Física, de Música Vocal, de Intervención de Lectura, de la Sala de Recursos, de Inglés como Segundo Lenguaje, de Arte, del Laboratorio de Computación y el Centro de los medios de comunicación.

Si no hay suficiente estacionamiento en frente de la escuela por favor, estacione en las plazas de estacionamiento designado. Si no hay suficientes espacios de estacionamiento para todos utilice el estacionamiento de Scarlett.

Esperamos verlos el martes, 11 de septiembre!


Sr. Kevin Karr
Director del colegio Mitchell

Otoño para Padres NWEA Carta del Superintendente Adjunto

Estimados padres o apoderados:

En las próximas semanas, su niño(a) tomará la evaluación llamada
"Medida del Progreso
Académico" (MAP). Nosotros damos la evaluación MAP a los estudiantes,
para determinar el
nivel de aprendizaje de su niño (a), medir su crecimiento académico a
lo largo del año escolar, y
crecimiento de año a año en las áreas de Matemáticas y Lectura. Su
niño(a) tomará la evaluación
en una computadora.

Las evaluaciones MAP son únicas ya que se adaptan apropiadamente al
nivel de aprendizaje de
su niño(a). Como resultado, cada estudiante tiene la misma oportunidad
de éxito y
mantenimiento de una actitud positiva hacia la evaluación.

Comenzando este año escolar, los estudiantes en los grados 1-8 tomarán
la evaluación en
setiembre, enero y mayo. Los estudiantes de Kindergarten comenzarán la
evaluación en enero y
continuarán en mayo. Los Reportes del Progreso del Estudiante serán
enviados a las familias en
octubre y junio.

Los maestros usan la información del Reporte del Progreso del
Estudiante para crear grupos
pequeños con enseñanzas diferenciadas, así ellos pueden satisfacer las
necesidades de
aprendizaje de cada estudiante en el aula.
Para mayor información sobre recursos para padres, por favor visite
nuestra página AAPS
NWEA aquí en:

Alesia L. Flye
Deputy Superintendent for Instructional Services

NWEA Fall Parent Letter From Deputy Superintendent

Dear Parent or Guardian:

In the next few weeks, your child will take assessments called
Measures of Academic Progress™
(MAP). We give students MAP assessments to determine your child's
instructional level and to
measure academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to
year in the areas of Math
and Reading. Your child will take the assessments on a computer.

MAP assessments are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for
your child's level of
learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to
succeed and maintain a positive
attitude toward assessing. Over the next few days, your child will
spend a total of about 2 hours
completing these assessments.

Beginning this school year, students in grades 1-8 take the
assessments in September, January
and May. Kindergarten students will begin the assessments in January
and continue in May.
Student Progress reports will be sent home to families in October and

Teachers use the information within the Student Progress Reports to
create small groups for
differentiated instruction so that they can meet the learning needs of
every student in the

For more information on resources for parents, please visit our AAPS
NWEA site here: http://


Alesia L. Flye
Deputy Superintendent for Instructional Services

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cross Country Coach Needed At Scarlett

Scarlett Middle School is in need of a cross-country coach.
If you some someone you know is interested in coaching and/or wants
any more information, please contact via email
as soon as possible!