Monday, March 27, 2017

Lost & Found at Mitchell

Dear Mitchell Families,

The Lost & Found at Mitchell has grown!

We have many hats, mittens, gloves, etc. that need to be picked up. Please stop into school sometime this week to collect any items that belong to you. We will be boxing up all the unclaimed lost and found items and donating them to charity over spring break.  

Thank you! 

Estimadas Familias de Mitchell,

¡El Lost & Found en Mitchell ha crecido!

Tenemos muchos sombreros, guantes, guantes, etc. que necesitan ser recogidos. Por favor, deténgase en la escuela esta semana para recoger los artículos que le pertenecen. Vamos a boxear todos los artículos perdidos y no reclamados y donarlos a la caridad durante las vacaciones de primavera.


Friday, March 24, 2017

Kindergarten Enrollment for 2017-18

We are now enrolling Kindergarten students for the 2017-18 school year. You can find enrollment information by clicking HERE or you can stop into the school office between the hours of 8:00 – 4:30 PM for help with enrollment. If you know of someone with a Kindergartner, please tell them to come to school! 

Mitchell Family Talent Show

It's time for the Mitchell School Family Talent Show! Permission slips have gone home. Anyone wishing to be in the show this year must return their signed permission slip to the school office by Friday, March 31st. Thank you to Christine Payne for organizing the show again this year!



Do you play an instrument, sing, dance, tell jokes, perform magic tricks, compose poems or songs, or have another talent? We want you to come share your talent! Your family members are welcome to be in your act too!


*Acts will be expected to be
ready to perform at the first practice.
All acts must be appropriate for an elementary school audience. Let's keep it positive! Positive messages, positive actions, no swearing, child appropriate language and topics, inclusive and welcoming to anyone viewing. Acts are expected to practice on their own between the dates of practices to improve their performance.
Participants are expected to be supportive, cooperative and respectful to all.
Acts may be asked to be shortened. Permission Forms are due by Friday, March 31st. 

Spring Break, April 3-7

Spring break will begin at the end of the day on Friday, March 31. School will resume on Monday, April 10.

Mitchell School Used-Book Give Away

One of our goals here at Mitchell School is that all students will spend time reading each day at home! This extra reading practice helps children develop as readers and develop an enjoyment for reading. To achieve this goal, we give away gently used books before winter break, spring break and summer break. Our spring break book give away is coming up the week of March 27. Please know this:


All Mitchell School students will have the opportunity to choose a free book to add to their at home reading libraries. It is important that students continue to read during the winter break. After your child reads his or her book some questions you might ask your child are, "What was the problem in the story?" "How was the problem solved?" and/or "What did you learn from the book?" This opportunity is made possible through our partnership with the Children's Literacy Network. 

5th Grade Math Testing Out

Current Mitchell 5th grade students who are advanced in math will have the opportunity to test out of Math 6 for next year as they transition to Scarlett Middle School. The testing out opportunity will take place in May. Information has come home via backpack mail and you can find the information HERE as well. If you have questions, please contact your child's teacher. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

March Report Cards – Feedback Please

This past week you received your child's March report card. In this report card, Mitchell teachers reported to parents and guardians the work the child(ren) have been doing in the IB units of inquiry. This included an IB unit of inquiry summary, connections to the IB Learner Profile, and comments about your child's progress. We would like to get feedback from parents/guardians regarding your thoughts on this report card. You can provide feedback by clicking HERE.

Mitchell Elementary School & Community Action Network – Emergency Food Pantry

In partnership with The Community Action Network of Ann Arbor we are happy to announce a free, emergency food pantry located at Mitchell School in the Community Center. This service is open to all Mitchell School families. You can find more information by clicking HERE. 

The 2017 School Climate Survey Is Here! Make Your Voice Count!

Ann Arbor Public Schools' annual School Climate Survey is live now through March 28th. All parents, employees, and students in grades 3–12 are invited to participate. This survey will help us to identify trends in perceptions, monitor the climate in our school, evaluate our progress, and understand the ongoing needs of our community. All parents/guardians with a current email address on file received a personal invitation and survey link but parents may also take the survey at research and communications firm K12 Insight is administering the survey and compiling the results and ALL responses are strictly confidential. We hope you will take 15 minutes and share your experiences and perceptions with us.


You and your student are invited to attend our upcoming parent & student orientation night.


Wednesday, MARCH 29, 2017

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM



3300 Lorraine St.,

Ann Arbor, MI 48108


We are excited to meet you and share with you all the amazing opportunities your student will have as a member of the Scarlett Nation.  If you have any questions please call us at 734-997-1220.

Youth Art Month

Dear Mitchell Community,


We all know March is Reading Month, but did you know March is recognized as Youth Art Month?! In honor of Youth Art Month AAPS schools partner with downtown businesses to display student work for the whole month of March!  Over 20 Mitchell students' work is showcased at The Cupcake Station located at 116 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. You are invited to our annual Art Walk this Sunday, March 19th, from 1-2pm where we will meet at The Cupcake Station and walk around downtown and enjoy the art. I hope to see you there! 


Mrs. Williams 

Family Literacy Night – March 23 at 6:00 PM

Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta and Labor Rights will be our theme for Family Literacy Night. Come join the U of M partners for pizza and time for families to read together. All families are welcome!  

Friday, March 3, 2017

Early Release Day – March 8th

Students will be dismissed at 11:53 on Wednesday, March 8th. This is a half-day for all students. Please plan to be here by 11:53 to pick your child(ren) up. Thank you! 

Mitchell Free Food Distribution

All Mitchell and Scarlett families are welcome to pick up free food at Mitchell School on Saturday, March 4 at 9:30 AM.  If you have registered before, you will not need to register again.  If you have not previously registered, it is a short process.


This is available to all Mitchell and Scarlett families on the first Saturday of each month.

Thank you to Community Action Network and Food Gatherers for their partnership in bringing this service to our community.

Report Cards Sent Home on March 13th

Over the course of this year, teachers have worked to develop a common template across the grades for reporting to parents about the work their children are doing in the IB units of inquiry. In March, you will receive a report card that looks like the same report card we have sent to you before. However, there is something different in this report card that I want you to notice. You'll notice an IB Unit of Inquiry summary in the comments section. This is new and is meant to report to parents the big ideas taught during the unit of study and contains connections to the IB Learner Profile as well as unique comments about what your child has learned. This is an important part of our IB School development and we are proud to share it with you.


Student report cards will be sent home on Monday, March 13th. This is an opportunity to talk with your child about their learning and celebrate growth. It's also an opportunity to set improvement goals. If you have questions, please talk with your child's teacher. 

March is Reading Month at Mitchell School!

March is Reading Month is coming to Mitchell! Starting on Monday March 6th, Mitchell students and staff will be immersed in all things Dr. Seuss for the entire month. Everyone will have many opportunities to read classic tales and find new favorites by Dr. Seuss. Some of the planned activities include Mystery readers, Wacky Wednesday dress up days, school wide reading (Drop Everything And Read) and Buddy Reading. During the last week, students will come home with 2 books to add to their home library with our annual Used Book Giveaway. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." ~Dr. Seuss. So let's get reading Mitchell! 


Sincerely, Mrs. Deshpande & March is Reading Month Committee

Adult ESL Classes at Mitchell

Washtenaw Literacy has an ESL program at Mitchell School for parents. There is no cost to attend! The classes run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-3:45 p.m. in the Community Center at Mitchell School. Tutors will help you learn the English that you want to know.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) – 4th Grade

On Thursday, March 9 Mitchell fourth grade students who missed the originally scheduled NAEP test on February 16 will take the NAEP make-up test. Children who have already participated will NOT re-take the test again – they will have classes as normal. The NAEP test is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subjects. Mitchell was selected to participate in this years test and students will be randomly assigned to take either the math or reading test. Please call the school office if you have questions.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

¡Todos son bienvenidos en la escuela Mitchell!

Es importante para mí que todas las familias conozcan y comprendan que todos son bienvenidos en la Escuela Mitchell. Nos mantenemos firmes en nuestro apoyo a los estudiantes inmigrantes, musulmanes y refugiados (y sus familias).Quiero que sepas:

· Continuaremos en nuestro compromiso y práctica para asegurar que el estatus migratorio de un niño no tendrá ningún impacto en su educación en la AAPS.

· No preguntaremos sobre el estatus migratorio de un niño en la escuela. Los distritos de escuelas públicas tienen la obligación legal de inscribir a los estudiantes independientemente de su estatus migratorio y sin discriminación por raza, color o origen nacional.

· Seguiremos asociándonos y coordinando con nuestras excelentes organizaciones y recursos comunitarios de Ann Arbor para conectar apoyo adicional para nuestras familias más allá de la escuela.
A medida que esperamos el resto del año escolar y la inscripción para 2017-18, por favor esté seguro de que valoramos nuestra diversidad y damos la bienvenida a todas las familias. Si usted sabe de cualquier Kindergarten o familias para el Programa Jóvenes 5 que están considerando la Escuela Mitchell para el otoño de 2017, por favor, hágales saber que estamos matriculando ahora.
