Friday, March 18, 2016

Mitchell Expansion Update

Over the coming weeks, construction will begin on the 6 classroom addition to Mitchell School. We are really excited about the addition and the added classroom space it will provide! I also want you to know that student safety is my number one priority. A fence will erected around the construction site and students will not be allowed near the site or near the construction equipment. Kindergarten students will use the playground in front of the building. While students will be able see the equipment and construction workers, they will not be allowed to interact in any way.


Additional work, which includes transforming one of our current classrooms (Mr. Krigbaums room) into a family resource room and preparing for a preschool room and a Young 5's room, will take place this summer. All work is scheduled to be completed in August and we will be prepared for school in the fall! If you have questions, please call the school office.