Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mitchell School Literacy Fund Update

Dear Friends of Mitchell School,

Earlier this year, Mitchell School began the Mitchell School Literacy Fund in connection with the Mitchell School Improvement Plan.  Many generous people - including many of those receiving this email - donated to the fund and supported our efforts to raise $50,000 so that students at Mitchell would benefit from books and other literacy resources FOREVER at Mitchell School.  Thank you so much for your support.  

I am writing today to share some exciting updates about Mitchell with you.

First, I want you to know students at Mitchell School are learning....they are growing as readers and as learners at appropriate rates of growth - at least one year of growth per academic year.  If you'd like to know more, just email me back and I can share the exciting details.

Second, the Mitchell School Literacy Fund has grown to almost $45,000.  We are getting close to meeting our goal!  If you know of others who have not yet contributed but would like to support one of the most successful schools in our area*, please spread the word.  Wouldn't it be exciting to be at the $50,000 mark by the end of next week when kids leave for the summer.  If you know of someone who would like to donate, please ask them to CLICK HERE.

Last, I am inviting you to attend the Mitchell School Ice Cream Social on Friday, June 6 from 6 - 8 PM.  This is an annual community event where Mitchell families and community members come together to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments for the school year. It is a perfect time you to be a part of the Mitchell community too.  If you decide to come, please email me so I'll know to look for you.

Of course if you have questions, please let me know.  

Kevin Karr
Mitchell School

* based on rates of academic growth - not just MEAP test scores