Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PTO Update: Science Olympiad!

Dear Mitchell Families,

The 12th Annual Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad (WESO) will be held on May 10th, 2014 at Pioneer High School. Students in grades 2-5 at Mitchell are invited to participate again this year!

Mitchell's 2nd Grade Mystery Architecture Team won a medal in 2013!  We had 22 children and a dozen parents participate. Our goal is to double the number of students to at least 50. We will need more parents to pitch in this year.

Registration forms and event information are being sent home this week. Please complete the form, noting which event(s) your child would like to participate in and return it to school by Friday, December 6.

If you have any questions about the Science Olympiad please contact Sarah McCallum, Mitchell's Head Coach at 734-945-8076 or mccallumsarah@yahoo.com.

Links to other forms volunteer and participant release forms can be found on Mitchell's web site at http://www.aaps.k12.mi.us/mitchell.home/science_olympiad.

Thank you for your support!