Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ice Cream Social - FRIDAY!!!!

The Ice Cream Social is on Friday evening. We hope everyone can make it!

As a quick reminder, all games and inflatables are free, except for the 5th grade Pitch Burst. The money raised for that game will go directly to fund camp next year

Each guest will also receive 1 free water & 1 dish of Ben and Jerry's as long as supplies last.

There will also be hot dogs, pizza and more for sale.

Donation Request: We are asking for donations of 2-liters of pop for the ring toss, and baked goods for the cake walk. Please deliver to the school any time this week. Thank you for your support!

Thank you so much to all who have signed up for a shift! Please see Cindy Underwood at the volunteer table when you arrive for assignment.

We still have some shifts open, so email us or fill out an open spot on this form:

Thank you,

Mitchell PTO


El Día del Helado de Mitchell es mañana por la noche

Como un recordatorio rápido, todos los juegos e hinchables son gratuitos, a excepción de la quinta Burst Pitch grado. El dinero recaudado de que irá directamente a financiar el campamento el próximo año.

Cada huésped recibe 1 gratis bebidas y 1 plato de Ben y Jerry helado.

Estamos en necesidad de los siguientes elementos:
 2 litros de Pop- para el anillo de tiro del juego
Donaciones para el Cakewalk – Hecho a mano o de tienda son bienvenidos

Si usted desea ser voluntario para un cambio: # gid = 0



Mitchell PTO