Friday, May 17, 2013

A Moving Mitchell Parent Note

Dear Mitchell Parents,
Please take a moment to read the piece below from one of your fellow Mitchell parents.  I am sharing it knowing that our PTO needs several volunteers for next year for events like:  Fall Festival, Movie Nights, several fundraisers, and ICE CREAM SOCIAL (everyone's favorite)!
Do your part and sign up to help next year on the PTO:  CLICK HERE
Sincerely, Kevin

Here are my top 10 reasons why I decided to come to PTO meetings
1.  Getting together and meeting other parents of our school really makes me feel like I'm part of something great.  There is nothing more important to me than supporting my children.
2.  I have learned so much about what is going on with my children's education at these meetings.  There is so much going on!
3.  It's an hour well spent.   The group makes so many wonderful things happen for OUR children.   My children have been on fantastic field trips and have wonderful memories of many fun activities that were made possible by the work of the PTO.
4.  Important decisions are being made that affect my children and I know that my voice can only be heard if I give my opinion in the room where those decisions are being made.  The group really wants to know what parents are thinking!.
5.  Why not?!  I'm already automatically a member, we ALL are!  :)
6.  The other parents are so appreciative of any little thing I do to help, even if it's just me transferring mail from one place in the school to another.
The parents are really very nice, and they make it very comfortable for me to join in the meetings and the conversations.

7.  My children are proud of me for making the extra effort to be involved.  They see that I value the PTO and all the PTO does, and they really are happy that I care enough to help.
8.  I have learned that research shows that students with involved parents perform better in school, score better on standardized tests, have fewer behavioral problems, are less likely to use drugs and alcohol, and go to better colleges.
9.  I have seen that my opinion matters.
10.  And last, but maybe most importantly, it dawned on me that the PTO board members each have a family,  just like me.  They also need to make dinner.  They also have kids who need to get homework done.  They all have to do lists for their family that need to get done.  Just like me.  I know that any little bit that I can do for the group really helps because it takes one little bit off the shoulders of one of my friends.
Your next opportunity to see our PTO meeting firsthand is Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30 in our school library.  Get involved!
Thanks for reading,