Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Mitchell School Goes For Personal "World Reading Record"
Record". The Mitchell Student Council is working on a "World Record
Book" of school accomplishments this year. During "March is Reading
Month", student council will distribute reading logs to each student.
Let see how much we read each week, and try to set a new record every
week in March. Students should keep track of how many minutes they
read, or how many minutes they were read-to each night. Please return
the logs to school every Thursday, so Student Council reps can add up
our minutes and post them for all to see. Let's keep reading and
break our own records! Thanks. Mrs. Koenig, Ms. Kairis and the
Student Council
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Los Resultados de las Pruebas MEAP 2011 Han Sido Publicados
Los datos de las pruebas MEAP del otoño 2011 han sido publicados por el Estado de Michigan. Los resultados actuales de las pruebas de lectura, escritura (solo para estudiantes de 4to grado), matemáticas y ciencias (solo para estudiantes de 5to grado) para la escuela Mitchell están a continuación. Para propósitos de comparación, los datos de los resultados de las pruebas MEAP del 2010 también están incluidos.
Nos sentimos muy, muy orgullosos de los estudiantes de la escuela Mitchell y de su esfuerzo para ser los mejores aprendices posibles. Con propósito de planificación, analizamos los datos de estas pruebas para ayudarnos a entender que es lo próximo que debemos incorporar a nuestra enseñanza.
3er Grado
2010 Lectura - 35.2% competente + 7.4% avanzado = 42.6% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2011 Lectura - 43.8% competente + 6.3% avanzado = 50.1% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Matemática - 29.5% competente + 0% avanzado = 25.9% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2011 Matemática - 29.2% competente + 4.2% avanzado = 33.4% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
4th Grade
2010 Lectura - 36.6% competente + 0% avanzado = 36.6% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2011 Lectura - 45.1% competente + 5.9% avanzado = 50% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Matemática - 16.7% competente + 9.5% avanzado = 26.2% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2011 Matemática - 39.2% competente + 2% avanzado = 41.2% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Escritura - 14.3% competente + 2.4% avanzado = 16.7% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2011 Escritura - 33.3% competente + 2% avanzado = 35.3% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
5th Grade
2010 Lectura - 52.8% competente + 8.3% avanzado = 61.1% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Lectura - 44.9% competente + 6.1% avanzado = 51% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Matemática - 33.3% competente + 8.3% avanzado = 41.6% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Matemática - 22.4% competente + 4.1% avanzado = 26.5% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2010 Ciencia - 8.3% competente + 2.8% avanzado = 11.1% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
2011 Ciencia - 10.2% competente + 2% avanzado = 12.2% proficiente/avanzado (aprobado)
Muchas gracias a todos el equipo de Mitchell y a los padres por su esfuerzo y apoyo a nuestros estudiantes. Pero sobre todo, felicitaciones a nuestros estudiantes por su esfuerzo!!! Aun tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer pero estamos muy contentos con nuestro progreso.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
2011 MEAP Scores
The fall 2011 MEAP data have been released by the State of Michigan. The current reading, writing (only given in 4th grade), math, and science (only given in 5th grade) scores for Mitchell show below. For purposes of comparison the 2010 MEAP data is also shown.
We are very, very proud of Mitchell students and their work to be the best learners possible. For planning purposes, we analyze the data from the test to help us understand what is needed next in our teaching.
3rd Grade
2010 Reading - 35.2% proficient + 7.4% advanced = 42.6% proficient/advanced (which is passing)
2011 Reading - 43.8% proficient + 6.3% advanced = 50.1% proficient/advanced (which is passing)
2010 Math - 29.5% proficient + 0% advanced = 25.9% proficient/advanced (which is passing)
2011 Math - 29.2% proficient + 4.2% advanced = 33.4% proficient/advanced (which is passing)
4th Grade
2010 Reading - 36.6% proficient + 0% advanced = 36.6% proficient/advanced (passing)
2011 Reading - 45.1% proficient + 5.9% advanced = 50% proficient/advanced (passing)
2010 Math - 16.7% proficient + 9.5% advanced = 26.2% proficient/advanced (passing)
2011 Math - 39.2% proficient + 2% advanced = 41.2% proficient/advanced (passing)
2010 Writing - 14.3% proficient + 2.4% advanced = 16.7% proficient/advanced (passing)
2011 Writing - 33.3% proficient + 2% advanced = 35.3% proficient/advanced (passing)
5th Grade
2010 Reading - 52.8% proficient + 8.3% advanced = 61.1% proficient/advanced (passing)
2011 Reading - 44.9% proficient + 6.1% advanced = 51% proficient/advanced (passing)
2010 Math - 33.3% proficient + 8.3% advanced = 41.6% proficient/advanced (passing)
2011 Math - 22.4% proficient + 4.1% advanced = 26.5% proficient/advanced (passing)
2010 Science - 8.3% proficient + 2.8% advanced = 11.1% proficient/advanced (passing)
2011 Science - 10.2% proficient + 2% advanced = 12.2% proficient/advanced (passing)
Thank you to the Mitchell staff and parents for their work in supporting our students. Most of all, congratulations to our students for their efforts!!! We still have a lot of work to do, but we're excited about the current progress!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Reunión para Futuros Padres de Kindergarten de la Escuela Mitchell - 2/29 @ 6:30 PM – Pasen la Voz
Estoy muy contento de anunciar la reunión de futuros padres de Kindergarten que se llevara a cabo en la escuela Mitchell el 29 de febrero de 6:30-7:30 pm. Los niños que cumplan 5 años en o antes del 1 de diciembre son elegibles para ingresar a Kindergarten para el año escolar 2012-2013.
En la presentación se compartirá importante información acerca del año en Kindergarten incluyendo el proceso de matrícula e información acerca del currículo. Por favor traiga también a su hijo(a) porque habrá actividades para ellos en los salones de kindergarten con sus maestras.
Si su hijo tiene la edad, por favor :
1. Llame a la oficina de la escuela Mitchell al 997-1216 con la información de su hijo y déjenos saber si estará participando de la reunión para futuros padres de kindergarten.
2. Ponga la reunión en su calendario. La reunión se llevara a cabo en el salón multiusos de la escuela.
También, si usted sabe de alguna familia que tenga un niño (a) con la edad requerida para Kindergarten el próximo ano escolar, por favor comparta esta información con ellos.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina de la escuela 997-1216.
Kevin Karr
Kindergarten Round Up at Mitchell School – 2/29 @ 6:30 PM – Spread The Word!
I am excited to announce that Kindergarten Round Up at Mitchell School will be on February 29 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Children who turn five on or before December 1, 2012 are eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2012-13 school year.
At the round up presentation, we'll share important information about the kindergarten year including registration information and information about the kindergarten curriculum. Please bring your child as we'll have an activity for them in the Kindergarten classrooms with the teachers.
If your child falls into the eligible age range, please do two things now:
1. Call the Mitchell School office at 997-1216 to give your child's information. This will let us know to expect you for the Round Up presentation.
2. Put Kindergarten Round Up on your calendar. It will be held in the multipurpose room at Mitchell.
Also, if you know of a family who will have a kindergarten aged child for next year, please share this information with them.
If you have questions, please call the school office at 997-1216.
Kevin Karr
Friday, February 10, 2012
Free Haircuts From Great Clips
Great Clips at 1423 E. Stadium Blvd.
Parents - if you would like one of the free haircut gift certificates,
please send a note or email to Mr. Karr.
Kindergarten Round Up at Mitchell School – 2/29 @ 6:30 PM – Spread The Word ☺!
I am excited to announce that Kindergarten Round Up at Mitchell School will be on February 29 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Children who turn five on or before December 1, 2012 are eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2012-13 school year.
At the round up presentation, we'll share important information about the kindergarten year including registration information and information about the kindergarten curriculum. Please bring your child as we’ll have an activity for them in the Kindergarten classrooms with the teachers.
If your child falls into the eligible age range, please do two things now:
1. Call the Mitchell School office at 997-1216 to give your child's information. This will let us know to expect you for the Round Up presentation.
2. Put Kindergarten Round Up on your calendar. It will be held in the multipurpose room at Mitchell.
Also, if you know of a family who will have a kindergarten aged child for next year, please share this information with them.
If you have questions, please call the school office at 997-1216.
Kevin Karr
Monday, February 6, 2012
NAAPID - "Take Your Child to School/Visit Your Child in School" Day - February 13
Dear Mitchell School Families,
You are invited to be a part of Mitchell’s plans as we observe NAAPID on Monday, February 13, 2012. This letter communicates information about our plans for NAAPID.
What is NAAPID?
NAAPID - "Take Your Child to School/Visit Your Child in School" Day
NAAPID is a national call to action to get all parents, but particularly those of African-American children, more involved in the education of their children. It is expected that this national observation will open up dialogue among teachers, parents, and students, which will lead to a more conducive learning environment.
During NAAPID, parents (or grandparents or uncles/aunts or someone else special in your family) are invited to be a part of the school day at Mitchell. This includes being a part of your child’s classes—and even the noon hour. Bring a sack lunch and be a part of the excitement!
When you visit, the Mitchell staff will set up a hospitality table in the teacher’s lounge (which is across from the school media center) with refreshments. Please stop by and enjoy the treats!
We hope that you will make time in your busy schedule to be a part of this important day.
Kevin Karr
Friday, February 3, 2012
Movie Night - SMURFS!!! - 2/10 @ 6 PM
Feb 10 Movie Night- Smurfs! Reminder: Students can only attend with a parent who is in charge. It is not OK for children to attend alone.
Scholastic Book Fair - Used Book Fair Sale - 2/8-2/10
Feb 8-10- Scholastic Book Fair. In addition, donate any gently used books to PTO to be sold during the Book Fair.
PTO Meeting - 2/7 @ 6 PM
PTO meets Tuesday, Feb 7 at 6PM in the Media Center, Silent Auction planning meeting to follow.