Friday, September 30, 2011

PTO Event: Movie Night, October 14 @ 6 PM

Join us for Movie Night on Friday, October 14th. Bring your blankets and pillows and enjoy "RIO" in the Multi-purpose room. Admission is $1 per person. Pizza,popcorn and other goodies for sale. Doors open at 6. Email if are able to volunteer.

This is a family event.  Students must be accompanied by a parent.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bus Update for Mitchell School

From WISD Transportation:

Effective immediately, the only Mtichell bus stop at Arbor Meadows
Park will be at the clubhouse.
Bus #138 will stop there first to pick up students at 8:30 AM, and bus
#91 will pick up students shortly after.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mighty Mustangs for Fall 2011

I am happy to announce the Mighty Mustangs After-School Program for Fall 2011!

Mighty Mustangs is an after-school math program that runs each Tuesday and Thursday beginning October 4 and ending on November 17 from 3:45 – 5:45 PM.  Students who qualify based on a test teachers have given to students will be invited to attend beginning Tuesday, October 4.

If you questions, please direct them to Mr. Krigbaum by emailing or calling the school at 997-1216.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Picture Day - October 4

Picture Day at Mitchell School is on October 4.  Please look for a flier in your child's backpack with more information.

If you have questions, please call the school office at 997-1216.

Student Arrival - 8:35

Mr. Karr wants to remind families that students should not arrive earlier than 8:35 AM.

Families who need to have before school care can call 994-2300 ext 53106.  Scholarships are available.

HelpYour PTO! - Fall Festival and Scholastic Book Fair

The PTO needs your help:

Can you help with the Fall Festival on October 28th?
Please join us for a planning meeting on Tuesday, September 27th at 6PM in the Media Center. Bring your ideas for having the best Fall Fest ever! If you cannot make the meeting, please email us with your ideas and any availability you may have.
We also need help with the Scholastic Book Fair. If you can lend us any time from 9-6 PM on Sept 29 or 30th, please email and let us know when YOU are available to help out!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Time To Sign Up

Please contact your child's teacher to set up a parent-teacher conference.  You can call the school office or send your child's teacher an email.

Thank you.
Mr. Karr

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mitchell Curriculum Night - 9/20 @ 6 PM - English and Español

Dear Mitchell Families,

Curriculum Night at Mitchell school for parents will be on Tuesday, September 20 from 6 – 7:40 PM.

We are asking for one adult from each family to come to school that evening to meet with teachers.  For this to happen, it may be necessary for friends and families to work together for babysitting.

Mr. Karr asks that one adult from each family comes for Curriculum Night on September 20.

The schedule for the evening is as follows:
6 – 6:30    Classroom presentation #1 – teachers present to parents
6:40 – 7:00    Mr. Karr presents to parents in the multi-purpose room
7:10 – 7:50    Classroom presentation #2 – teachers present to parents

While at Curriculum Night, parents should:
1.    Go to your child’s classroom at 6 PM or 7:10 PM;
2.    Sign up for a parent-teacher conference
3.    Visit other teachers Physical Education, Vocal Music, Reading Intervention, Resource Room, English as a Second Language, Art, Computer Lab and the Media Center!

No parking in front of Mitchell school.  Please park only in designated parking spaces.  There aren’t enough parking spaces for everyone.  Plan to park in the Scarlett parking lot.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 20!


Kevin Karr

Estimadas familias del colegio Mitchell,

La Noche de Currículo para los padres, será el martes, 20 de septiembre, de 6 a 8 en la noche.

Para esta noche, el señor Karr pide que un padre de familia solamente, atienda de Noche de Currículo de el 20 de septiembre con fines de reunirse con los maestros de sus hijos. Para que esto ocurra, puede ser necesario que los amigos y las familias trabajen juntos para cuidar niños en la casa. La meta de este formato nuevo es mejorar la comunicación entre padre y maestros disminuyendo la cantidad de gente en el aula.

El horario es la siguiente:

De 6 a 6:30     Presentación en el aula n º 1 - los profesores presentan a los padres.
De 6:40-7:00     El señor Karr presenta a los padres en el salón de usos múltiples.
De 7:10-7:50     Presentación en el aula n º 2 - los maestros presentan a los padres.

Mientras que en la Noche de Currículo, los padres deben:

1. Ir a clase de su hijo a las 6 a 7:10;
2. Regístrese para obtener una conferencia de padres y maestros
3. Visite los profesores de Educación Física, de Música Vocal, de Intervención de Lectura, de la Sala de Recursos, de Inglés como Segundo Lenguaje, de Arte, del Laboratorio de Computación y el Centro de los medios de comunicación.

Si no hay suficiente estacionamiento en frente de la escuela por favor, estacione en las plazas de estacionamiento designado. Si no hay suficientes espacios de estacionamiento para todos utilice el estacionamiento de Scarlett.

Esperamos verlos el martes, 20 de septiembre!


Sr. Kevin Karr
Director del colegio Mitchell

Monday, September 12, 2011

FYI - Cars Must Yield To Pedestrians

Ann Arbor has taken another step towards becoming a more walkable community. Ann Arbor law now requires drivers to stop for pedestrians approaching or within a crosswalk. The Ann Arbor Police Department will begin actively enforcing this law in September, beginning with warnings and moving to ticketing later in the fall. The need for this change was great; busy streets can be become physical barriers in our community for everyone, but particularly for children, the elderly and individuals with disabilities (Watch this informative video:   The new pedestrian ordinance compliments AAPS efforts to encourage more children to walk to school and supports our safe routes to school programming already underway at some schools.  For more information on this law and the A2 Walks Project, visit 

Friday, September 9, 2011

1157 Hits on Mitchell News Website This Month

The Mitchell News website had over 1100 hits in the last month!

We hope it is helpful in keeping you up to date.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Websites For Parents and Kids

Use these with your kids . . . 

Mathematics Math practice and activities Interactive math games Great site for kids A+ Math Ask Dr. Math Math League help topics Help for all subjects 

Language Arts/Reading Language Arts games and more  Merriam Webster Word Game of the Day Vocabulary activities  Vocabulary builders  Lexile Framework® for Reading

Students Will Take NWEA Assessment Beginning September 19

For the first time ever, students in Ann Arbor will soon take a test from the Northewest Evaluation Associatoin called the  Measures of Academic Progress (MAP).

The MAP test will be administered across the district in grades K-5 and at Scarlett Middle School 3 times per year in September, January and May, starting the Fall of 2011. The purpose of the test is to provide data on students' growth over time in the areas of Math (K-8), Reading (K-8) and Language Use (2-8) so that teachers can use it to inform instruction.

NWEA has created a Parent Toolkit that does an excellent job of explaining the test, as well as provides additional at-home support sites students can use for practice.  If you would like a copy of the Parent Toolkit, click the link above.  If you would like a hard copy of the kit, please contact your child's teacher or call the school office.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mitchell Scarlett Teaching and Learning Collaborative = UM/AAPS Partnership Name

The official name of the partnership between the University of Michigan and the Ann Arbor Public Schools is the "Mitchell Scarlett Teaching and Learning Collaborative."

The official logo of the partnership:

If you haven't already seen them, here are links to the most recent partnership newsletters:

Do you have questions about the MS-TLC?  If yes, please email Mr. Karr at